Chapter 32.

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(A/N: More Spanish yay.
Translations from Goolge Translate.

Long-ass chapter.)

Your Point of View:

This morning, you had asked Leo to teach you some Spanish phrases so you'd know when to kiss him and when to smack him upside the head.

Gladly, he obliged to your wish.

So, that's exactly where you are now. And let me just say, you are damn frustrated.

In your room in the (godly parent) cabin sat you and Leo, on your bed. You sat cross-legged facing your boyfriend, your back against the headboard of the bed. Leo sat directly across from you in the same position. Your left hand was being held by both of his as he kissed the tips of your fingers.

"C'mon, (Y/N). It's not that difficult," he chided as you furrowed your brows.

"That's easy for you to say! You grew up speaking it," you grumbled, flopping backwards onto your bed.

Leo sighed, shaking his head with a smile. "Cassidy can do it. She didn't grow up speaking it."

A shout erupted from behind the door, followed by retreating footsteps.

"Mis pantelones están el fuego!"

You and Leo stare at the door.
"I though she went back to Vermont," you said with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"Apparently not," Leo replied, turning back to you.

"Now, let's try this again."

Leo picked up both of your hands into his, looking directly into your (E/C) eyes.

"Say, 'My name is (Y/N)'. Okay?"

You grimaced as you fought to remember the phrase that he has gone over so many times.

"Mi llam-wait, me nom- GAH!" You yell, burying your face into your pillow.
"Too many different ways of the same phrase!"

Leo chuckled. "But you were so close!
Repeat after me:
Mi nombre es (Y/N)."

You slowly repeated him, trying not to botch up the language and pronunciation.

You sighed in relief.

"Now," he started. "Next, try this:
¿Cuál es tu nombre?"

Once again, you repeated, making Leo's smile widen.

You giggled cheerily, finally doing some of the phrases correctly. You did a tiny victory dance from where you sat, flailing your arms around in the most adorable manner.

Leo watched you a serene smile on his face, his gaze half-lidded. He watched as you pumped your fists, his oversized t-shirt hanging around your body loosely accompanied by a pair of shorts. Your long, bare legs kicked in unison with each of your fist pumps, tiny cheers erupting from your lips.

Every little thing about you got to him.

"Maldito, te amo," he sighed dreamily.

You stopped mid-dance to look at him.
"Come again?"

Leo slowly sat up on his knees and leaned slightly over you. His hands were placed on either side of your hips.

"Su la cosa más hermosa que he visto nunca," he mumbled, still moving closer, causing you to lean back a bit in response.

"Dude, in a language I understand, por favor," you said with a coy smile.

He shivered at how you sounded speaking in his native language. You took notice, raising an eyebrow as Leo leaned his face even closer to yours, his warm breath hitting your face.

"¿Lo que está mal?" You said fluently, hoping that you remembered and pronounced the phrase correctly.

He took a deep breath.
"Lo que haces a mí," he mumbled, barely audible as he quickly sealed his lips over your own.

You were definitely surprised, but that doesn't mean you didn't welcome the sudden affection. Your lips moved in sync, surprised at his feverish movements.

His hands ran down your sides, so warm that they slightly burned you. It didn't really affect you, however. His teeth tugged lightly on your bottom lip, asking for entrance.
You hesitantly obliged. There's a first for everything, right?


You whimpered slightly from the lack of air, causing Leo to pull away. Only for a second, though. Within that very second, you only got one breath in, and he sealed his lips over your own again in the same heated kiss.

Your hands tugged at his chocolate curls, causing him to let a small groan escape.

Leo couldn't hold back anymore than he has been. He loves you too much to stay at a distance for too long.

He broke his lips away from your own, replacing them on your collar bone. He nipped and licked at the exposed skin, staining the (S/C) area with a purple mark. You moaned quietly, catching his attention.

He trailed his lips up on your neck with a devious smirk, stopping just under your ear. He sucked on the soft skin, causing a slightly louder moan to erupt from you.

His body covered your own, your hands raking down his back. Your breaths came out in short gasps.

"Yo! That doesn't sound like Spanish lessons!"

You and Leo froze at the sound of Nikki's mocking voice, both panting. You lay motionless under him, save for your chest heaving with every breath. Leo was in the same state, his lips still pressed to your neck. His hot breaths made you shudder visibly.

Footsteps retreated from the door, which was thankfully locked. You both relaxed your muscles, your breathing evening out.

Leo nipped at your ear one last time, causing you to squeal. He chuckled, plopping down next to you on the bed. He wrapped his arms around your waist tightly and snuggled his head into your next, kissing the mark he made proudly.

"Mina," he mumbled before his breathing slowed, showing his state of consciousness was no longer existent.

Well, so much for learning Spanish.

(A/N: Have fun translating //wink wonk//)

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