Chapter 3.

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(A/N: I almost forgot the disclaimer formalities *slaps forehead*. I don't own PJO or you, because you own you :D. I only own the storyline. Have fun!)

Your Point of View:

As soon as these words left your mouth, the elfish boy sprang up from his seat beside you, cheering childishly, and did a small victory dance. Many eyes from each table wandered over to the dancing Latino Santa's elf, holding odd looks.

You blushed profusely and bursted into a fit of giggles.

Leo's Point of View:

She said yes.
In all honesty, I was mentally preparing for her to slap me, like most of the girls do. But she didn't. She smiled.

She took it as a challenge.

My heart swelled until I was sure I would stop breathing. I grinned so widely that my cheeks were going to split. I cheered loudly, getting up and bouncing around excitedly. I could tell I was getting some stares, especially from Piper and Jason.

Meh, whatever. I'm too happy to care.
She started to laugh, making me stop my little victory dance short and look at her adorable face.

Her eyes were squeezed closed, her cheeks hued with bright red.
She had her right hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle her giggles, which was futile.

I had a feeling that I wanted to keep making her laugh. She sounded so happy.

Gods, I had to prevent myself from squeezing the living daylights out of her.

Gaining back my cool composure, I cleared my throat, pausing her laughter. My face was a bit red from the embarrassment of losing my cool. I shook that off, giving her a cheeky grin.
I'm still not over my excitement.

"Well, Milady," I joked as I took her right hand in mine, while she chuckled quietly.

"I promise, you won't regret this."
I then kissed her knuckle, just for her cheeks to flare up again. I giggled.
Making her blush was easy, not to mention extremely satisfying.

Your Point of View:

You cursed yourself for continuously blushing as he giggled slightly.
The little gestures that he made to make you blush caused your competitive side to come out.

Challenge accepted.

You mischievously smirked, standing up, causing him to drop you hand in surprise.

He looked at your smirk with eyes that were curious as to what you were up to. "Well, Valdez," you purred, causing him to turn crimson red.
You took a step closer.

"Two can play at this game," you said slyly as you quickly pecked his cheek.

He was NOT expecting that.

His eyes were the size of saucers and his form was slouched.
Once again, you saw that dreamy look in his eyes, more pronounced than ever. His lips were spread into an enormous and goofy grin.

He let his arms hang limply at his sides. You could swear you heard his heart pounding rapidly from where you were standing.

"Goodnight, everyone," you replied to Leo and your siblings as you walked put of the dining pavilion, back to your cabin.

Your siblings chuckled as they stared after you, wide-eyed at your boldness.
"Yeah," Jake chuckled, gazing at Leo's love-struck features; Leo was still stuck in la-la land.

"She's definitely our sister."

Bring It On, Valdez (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now