Chapter 36.

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(A/N: Trying to make up for my absence with a bunch of updates before spring break. I will be off for another week starting next Friday, because I'm going on vacation. Enjoy it while it lasts XD)

Glitchy's Point of View (3rd):


The tension in the air was too much to bear, and was even Drew noticed it.

"Who's (Y/N)?" She asked inquisitively.

Everyone disregarded her. Leo's heart sank to the ground. Is that why you weren't at the meeting?

No one bothered to answer Drew. They ran, leaving the amnesiac and satyr standing on the hill, confused.

The group searched and searched and searched. Leo and Nikki were the most frantic. Leo had ran from your cabin to the dining pavilion, even through the strawberry fields.

They ran around camp, asking camper after camper if they had any sight of you, any at all. Nothing!

Everyone had congregated in the center of camp, panting hard. No one had found a single sign of you. Leo's heart was clenched so tight, it was affecting his breathing.

"Where the hell is she?" Piper wheezed out. She didn't want to voice the thing that was on everyone's mind:

What if they took you?

A scream.
A scream of pure sorrow emanated from the arena.

That was enough to shake them.

The group ran as fast as they could, hoping no one else had been taken.

When they reached the arena, Nikki was on her knees in the center of the open area.

Leo ran over.
"What happened?" He demanded.

She didn't respond.
Her gaze was kept at something in her hands. Leo furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's..." He trailed off, his heart stopping at the sight of what was in her hands.

It was (Y/N)'s bracelet.

Leo froze. His hands started to shake, and his breathing became labored.
"No," he said.
That was the only word he could fathom.

"No, no, no!" He clutched at his hair.

The others stood back, watching in horror. You were taken, too?

Nikki clutched the bracelet hard, to the point where her knuckles were white.

Everyone looked down, picturing your smiling face, suddenly erased from the earth.

Where were you?
Your Point of View:

"Gah," you groaned out, pain in the back of your head flowering with your consciousness.

All you saw was black. Your eyes refused to open, weighed down by pain. Your limbs screamed in protest as you tried to lift yourself off of the floor of wherever the hell you were.

You got your eyes to open. Everything was blurry and out of focus, making the room look like a static tv. The room shifted, making your temples pound.

What happened, again?

Oh, yeah. You got kidnapped.


You placed your palms on the stone floor, pushing yourself up with shaky arms. You almost fell flat on your face, causing you to groan quietly in both pain and annoyance.

Your vision didn't clear. You were as blind as a bat in an unknown location, with no one knowing you're gone.

Doesn't this just keep getting better and better?

A loud, low, reverberate creak sounded throughout the small room. Your instincts took over, and you carefully laid back down, feigning sleep.

The clicks of high-heels on stone pounded against your eardrums, along with the rubber plonk sound of combat boots.

"Such a pretty one," a smooth and soothing voice sounded. The voice was as warm and calm as a blanket, almost lulling you to sleep. But there was something hidden in that voice, something that riled you up.

The voice may have been sweet, but the words placement and sound were chaotic. They wanted you to destroy things. Get a little crazy.

That's what she wanted.

"Very. Such a shame," another voice sounded. This one was cold and calculating, like it was sizing you up, seeing if you'd make a good meal.

"Now, now, Nemesis," the softly insane voice coaxed. So the goddess of revenge was here, huh?

"We are doing this half-blood a favor. She'll have a normal life. And I will get the recognition I deserve."

Towards the end of the sentence, her voice had taken on a deeper octave, the true chaos underlying her words revealing itself.

Shivers traveled down your spine.
'Give her a normal life'?

"All in due time, my friend," Nemesis responded.

The sound of heels and rubber faded away, leaving you to your thoughts.

Well, only one thought, really.

I'm fucked.

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