Bonus Chapter 2/2

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(A/N: Okay, bonus chapter 2. Doing this in study hall because there's aBSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE TO DO.
Okay, the second bonus chapter that was requested was a Nikki x Nico.

Oh god this is really awkward.

Once again, this is an AU, and I'm very aware of the fact that Nico is gay. This is a request.

Here we go ^_^;)

Nikki's Point of View:

I blink my large, honey-hazel eyes as they slide quickly from sentence to sentence, my nose buried into the book.

I sat quietly outside of my cabin, leaning against the walls as I read.
Then, something has to come along to interrupt.

I don't mind that much, but really, leave the person that's peacefully reading alone.

"Hey, Nikki."
I blink thickly as I look up at the person, a large and childish grin spreading across my cheeks.

My sister, (Y/N).

"Sup?" I asked curiously, the smile never leaving my face.

"You coming to the campfire sing-along? It starts in a few minutes."

Jeez, I've been out here longer than I thought.

"Wow, I lost track of time," I said sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck as she giggles. Closing my book, I stand up and swiftly quirk my neck from side to side, cracking the bones. Also making (Y/N) cringe a bit.

I run inside my cabin, throw my book onto my bed, and grabbed my teal hoodie. I came back outside as I slipped my hoodie on, only to be surprised that my sister was no longer there. Not only that, but someone was in her place.

Nico di Angelo.
A very disgruntled and confused looking Nico di Angelo.

"Nico!" I yelp as I ring my arms around his torso in a friendly hug.

I really hate that word.

"N-Nikki?" He said in surprise as he hesitantly returned the hug.
He doesn't like to be touched, but I give the best hugs and cuddles, so I'm an exception.

I let go, my childish smile turning into a puzzled pout. "Where'd (Y/N) go? She was here a second ago. And how did you get here so fast?" I mumbled, half to him, half to myself.

Looking back up to him, I noticed his face was bright pink, in contrast to my little Ghost King's usual pale/olive complexion.

"Something wrong?" I ask with a half-smirk and a raised eyebrow.
He turned redder.

"N-nothing. Do you...uh...wanna come to the campfire with me?" Nico asked, still not grasping what just happened to him moments ago.

~~Tiny Flashback/ Nico POV~~

I sat alone in my cabin, doing nothing in general, when a certain son of Poseidon bursts through the door. I sighed, annoyed, as I wondered what it could be this time.

I spotted a devious grin on his face, making me slightly worried.
What the hell is he up to?

He walked over to me slowly, attempting to drag out the suspense. It annoyed me to no end.
"What do you want, Perce?" I ask with another annoyed sigh.

He looked at me with that innocent grin, too innocent-looking for my liking.

"You like Nikki."

That statement made my eyes snap up to him in surprise, a small red tint to my cheeks.
Dammit, I stuttered.

His grin grew wider as he stepped closer to me.
"You liiiiiike her," he said in an purposefully irritating tone.

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