Chapter 24.

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(A/N: Updating like hell while we have a 4-day weekend. Enjoy it while it lasts, friends XD
I'm making fluffy chapters to make up for me being an ass and killing Jake in the saddest way I could think of. XD)

Your Point of View:


Your eyes groggily slid open, trying to find the source of the voice in your dark bedroom. You squinted, barely making out the figure that stood in your doorway.

"Who's there?" You rasped out, sitting up while doing so. The figure moved toward your bed, revealing to you that it was none other than your goofy boyfriend, Leo.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You question worriedly, placing your hand on his cheek from your sitting position.

"Ah, n-nothing, just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"That I was okay? What do you mean?"

Leo sighed, sitting on the corner of your bed. You crawled over to him, swinging your arms around his neck in a groggy hug.

"You gonna tell me?"

He paused.

"I had a nightmare."

Your heart clenched in sympathy for him as you straddled him and gave him a proper hug. He returned it immediately, burying his face into your collarbone. His hands clutched the back of your shirt tightly as he gave out shaky breaths.

Damn, this must've really spooked him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" You breathed into his hair.

He shook his head rapidly, like that of a little kid. Your stomach twisted a bit. Did he not trust you?

"Y'know you can tell me anything, right?" You chuckled to him, trying not to pry.

"I know," he replied. "I just don't wanna think about it again."

He nuzzled his nose into your neck, taking deep breaths as he slowly relaxed into you.

"Do you wanna sleep here?" You asked with a yawn.

He pulled his face away from your neck to nod as fast as he could.
You giggled.

You climbed back under your covers, motioning for Leo to follow you. He bounced happily next to you slipping under the blankets himself.

His warm, strong arms wrapped around your waist as he buried his nose into the crook of your neck, sighing contentedly. His legs tangled with yours. His long eyelashes tickled your shoulder, and his breaths against your back caused you to shudder.

"No more nightmares for me..." you heard him mumble smugly. You kicked him lightly.

"Go to sleep, Valdez."

He kissed the nape of your neck as your eyes drifted closed, sleep taking you in its grasp. You only heard three words before going out like a light.

"I love you."

Bring It On, Valdez (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now