The End.

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A/N: You're gonna hate me :)))

Your Point of View:

This wasn't good.
Nothing was good.
There were too many.
You were surrounded.

Mission. Another mission to risk your lives on. Another mission with Leo at your side, trying to protect you with all his might.

But it was in vain.

Set the scene:
A beach just south of Belmar, New Jersey. Pretty romantic, other than the expanse of Emposa and Scythian Dracnae surrounding you and your beloved. The white sand glittered as the sun boiled the ocean, dipping into the atlantic and falling into the horizon, the sky a shifting canvas of crimson and tangerine haze.
The air was thick with the smell of saltwater and campfire from the burning, monstrous ladies and the cool waves of the ocean slapping the sand with force. Leo's eyes darted to the ring of monsters slowly encircling the two of you.

Your feelings were a cacophony of temperatures in the pit of your stomach. The dread and fear tugged your heart down to your feet as the panic set in, your eyes darting frantically for some miracle that wouldn't be coming from the depths of the ocean or the extent of the horizon.

But the only thing that anchored you to the situation at hand was Leo grabbing your hand. Your eyes snapped to him, finally focusing on those caramel eyes that you've spent countless hours staring into. The eyes that melted the parts of you that you were positive were frozen forever. The eyes that fluttered shut when his lips even touched yours, with eyelashes that fluttered against your cheekbones.

Even in this seemingly hopeless situation, his eyes had that fire, that fire that he only looked at you with.

"Together," he said with such determination that you felt the power of his voice in your very bones.
"Together. Always."

Those simple words send the smallest smile upon your lips, despite your dire situation. That was the thing about Leo; his mere presence made a smile and a sense of hopefulness light inside of a person.

He slammed a sloppy but meaningful kiss to your lips, sending electricity all the way to your fingertips.
He pulled away.

You were breathless.

And the battle that ensued was one to go down in the record books.

The clashing of swords and inhuman screams of both demigod and monster echoed along the strip of empty beach. With each swing of your weapon, your body became heavier and heavier as the day sunk further into the sea. Adrenaline was wearing off quickly. Your muscles were crying out, screaming that there were just too many.

But Leo was screaming with every blow to both his and the monsters' bodies. He couldn't let anyone take another person he loved. He couldn't let them take you.

You trudged slowly through the dense forest, sighing lightly. The summer sun weaves through the green leaves of the oak trees surrounding you, attempting to escape to the forest floor, lighting your path. Soft breezes push your (H/L) (H/C) hair out of your eyes as you made your way to your new summer home.

Your body was covered in bruises and blood and wounds of all forms. Your limbs screamed for you to cease moving, to give in.
But Leo, your heart, shouted louder than the common sense in your mind.

Bring It On, Valdez (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now