Chapter 14.

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Your Point of View:

Oh, no.
Scythian Dracanae.

"Weapons out!" Nico commands, taking out his Stygian iron sword. You press the (favorite color) gem on your bracelet, causing the trinket to turn into your trusty (weapon of choice). Leo takes out his hammer as he stands slightly in front of you, showing protectiveness.
Jake pulled a pencil out of his pocket, flipping it in the air as it turns into a whip with a celestial bronze coated tip. The whip's crack caused the Dracanae to lift their spears defensively, hissing challengingly.

Nico was the first to strike.

He let out a small grunt of effort as he swung his sword into an unsuspecting Dracanae, the snake woman turning into gold powder with a hiss-like shriek. The other 4 looked to their fallen sister in shock, then back to you four in rage.

One of them lunged at Nico, him quickly parrying the blow from her spear. Jake flung and wrapped his whip around another's spear, making her pull him forward. Leo swung his hammer around skillfully, trying to keep a close range of you.

You looked at the last Dracanae as she snarled, striking at you with her spear. You quickly blocked it with your (weapon of choice), striking at her tail-like legs, trying to immobilize her. She noticed this, and quickly began striking in open spots in your shoulders. One side of her spear grazed your shoulder, leaving a thin slash. You hissed in pain as blood dripped down your side.

"(Y/N)!" Leo yelled, still trying to beat the Dracanae in front of him. Jake was hanging by the ankles in the air, being held up by another snake woman, as Nico tried to get him down, having already beaten his own opponent.

"I'm fine!" You yelled back, quickly dodging another blow towards your head.

Your arm stung like hell, but you ignored it as you slashed at the snake woman. Your (weapon of choice) got a blow on her right arm, rendering it useless. She shrieked in pain, blood pouring out of the wound as she used her leg-tail-thingies to wind around your torso, lifting you in the air as you wiggled around helplessly, and throwing you into one of the alley's brick walls.

Your head made contact with cement, radiating a pain that spread through your skull. You let out a cry of pain that caught your companion's ears, as they finally defeated their own opponents.

"(Y/N)! NO!" You heard Leo yell, as your vision started to fade. You heard another deafening screech and then felt something warm trickle down your head.

"(Y/N), stay awake, you hear me? Stay awake!" Someone yelled. Everything was too blurry and foggy in both sound and vision to discern.

You felt something square shove into your mouth. You swallowed it, not caring what it was.

Then, everything went black.

Bring It On, Valdez (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now