Chapter 31.

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(A/N: someone come eat ice cream and watch Markiplier with me.

Side note:
I couldn't get a good playback of the song, so listen to it. It's called "Mi Niña Bonita" by Chino and Nacho. Idk I really like this song and wanted to incorporate it. XD)

Your Point of View:

It's been 2 weeks
2 weeks since Jake Mason was returned to camp.
2 weeks since Calypso escaped from Ogygia.
2 weeks since she kissed your boyfriend.
And 2 weeks since he didn't resist her.

You were still a bit pissed about that. I mean, who wouldn't be? You have every right to be, and Leo understands that. He's been finding different ways to make it up for you, to somewhat of a success. You already knew that there was no use staying mad at him. It would only hurt you both more.

First, he kept leaving little daisies on your pillow when you'd avoid him. You noticed, a piece of the anger you had directed towards him breaking off. You'd stopped avoiding him, but you were still pretty distant.

But he knew his strategy was working.

Next, he give you tiny notes and poems in obscure ways; pretty cliche, but still thoughtful. And it made you laugh, so that was a bonus to him. You know how much he loves that laugh. One of the ways he'd deliver a note was by having Percy ask Blackjack to fly it to you. Then, whenever he saw you venture into the woods, he'd persuade the dryads to pass the note along, having it 'miraculously' land on your lap as you sat under the dryads' shade.

He'd watch from the cover of a large bolder across the river bend, always waiting to see your reaction. You'd giggle louder and louder as the notes got cheesier, so that's exactly what he did.

They'd say things like:

"Is it hot in here, or is it just you?

(Check one box)

[ ] It's me, but you already know that.

[ ] It's you, you idiot. Your literally made of flames.

[ ] Uh, it's winter. I'm pretty sure you're insane. "

Those were the highlights of your day. This is about the time that you'd forget your anger towards him briefly. Even though it was bound to return when Calypso passed you at camp. You and her were on pretty good terms, often conversing with her and Nikki to share comebacks to use on Clarisse.

Finally, Leo had one last idea to have you forgive him. And it was his best one yet. Let's watch him put it into action.


It was almost midnight, and almost the entire camp was in their cabins, getting ready for bed or already sleeping.
Well, except for you.

And Leo and Nikki.
But you didn't know that they were up, as well.

You snuck behind each cabin, hiding yourself from the patrol harpies that make sure the campers are in bed. You tiptoed your way past the ground's edge and into the forest that you play Capture the Flag in.

Little did you know that a certain son of Hephaestus is following you, checking his a small sheet of paper covered in song lyrics every few seconds, making sure he has it down. He glances every so often at his best friend, who gives him an encouraging thumbs-up as she carries a radio and a jar of fireflies.

Where did she get the fireflies, you ask? Let's just say she has resources in the Hermes cabin.

You walked through the woods, breathing in the calming scent of pine as pinecones and needles crunch under your feet. The hoots of owls rang through the otherwise silent night, the glinting of star peeking though the treetops.

You sighed.

When you stopped walking, you were next to a small, but wide, creek. You sat down next to it, peering at the sleeping Naiads' faces.


You whip your head backwards, only to be met with the same serene scene you've been walking in all night.

"Great," you say to yourself. "Now I'm paranoid. Let's add that to the list of things going my way." Sarcasm dripped from your tone.


Oh, shit.
You slowly stand, slightly crouched in a defensive position.


Oh, goddammit.

"Nikki, shouldn't you be sleeping?" You sigh irritably as your sister emerges from the shadows with a radio in hand. You sit back down, and she plops down on the spot next to you, placing the radio on her other side.

"I could be asking you the same thing."


"Well, how'd you know I was out here?"

She glanced at you from the corner of her eye, tugging her knees to her chest.

"Your usually the last one to go to sleep. Tonight, you called it in early. Plus, you left your window open," she explained with a chuckle.


"And," she adds on. "I like to stargaze. It's kind of a hobby of mine, astrology. So get used to me following you."

You felt a smile tug at your lips.
"Dually noted," you replied with a laugh.

"What's with the radio?"

She breaks her gaze away from the sky to look over at you, a smile invading her features.

She places the contraption in between you, and clicks the button with the 'play' triangle.

Yo nací para ti,
Y tu también para ti.
Y ahora sé que morir es tratar de vivir
Sin tu amor,
Sin tu amor.

The radio played a sweet-sounding song, making you close your eyes with a smile. You opened them and looked back at Nikki.

Only to see that it wasn't Nikki.

Mi niña bonita, mi dulce princesa.
Mi siento en las nubes cuando tú me besas.
Y siento que vuelo más alto que el cielo.
Si tengo de cerca de olor de tú pelo.

Nikki and Leo had switched places at the speed of light. Leo watched your gorgeous features relax as the song played; your (H/L) (H/C) hair hanging around your face as the soft breezes pushed it from your eyes.
You suddenly looked over, your (E/C) eyes widening in wariness as you noticed him in place of your sister.

Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, he began to sing.

Mi niña bonita brilliante lucero
Te quenda pequeña la frase Te Quiero
Por esos mi labios te dicen te amo.
Cuando estamos juntos más nos enamoramos.

Your eyes slowly shut as you snuggled yourself closer into his side. In response, he lay his cheek on the crown of your head, wrapping both of his arms fully around you, relief bubbling in his chest at your sign of affection. You breathed in the familiar scent of chocolate and motor oil; an odd combination, but all to familiar and comforting for you.

"Is this an apology?" You mumble into his chest.

"If you accept it," he replied.

"Hmm," you mocked thought. "I don't know..."

"Oh?" He whispered.
"Look up."

You remove your face from his chest.
"Holy shit..." you trailed off.

A fucking lot of fireflies.
Their shiny little asses reflecting off of the stream, giving the place a surreal look.

If you looked close enough, you could see Nikki hiding in nearby bush, holding an empty jar with a mischievous smirk.

"Okay," you whispered.

"Apology accepted."

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