Chapter 33.

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(A/N: Sorry that updates are getting slower ^_^')

Your Point of View:

Chariot racing.
Such a lovely sport.

In exactly one week, the chariot races will begin. This being your first, you are overly excited and basically jumping for joy. You're very competitive, and this is something you never thought you'd be able to do. Plus, the winning cabins get to skip chores for a month.

The teams are made up of two selected members of each cabin, teamed up with one from another.

You just so happened to be teamed up with the Hephaestus cabin. And their competitor just happens to be your boyfriend.

You are the newest member of the (godly parent) cabin, so your siblings allowed you to be the one to compete.

Chiron had also allowed Nikki to compete with Nico, considering that everyone else was afraid to team up with him. (^_^')

You walk with a newfound spring in your step towards Bunker 9, where you and Leo are working on making the chariot.

You walk into the Bunker, hearing the sounds of blowtorches and metal clashing loudly, almost frustratedly.

You make it to your boyfriend's station, him being slumped over the large lump of metal that is slowly being sculpted into a work of art.

Which is currently being whacked by a grumbling Leo.

"Something wrong?" You ask, placing your hand on his shoulder.

Pulling up his welding mask, he looks back at you with a frown.

"We don't have enough time for this thing to be as badass as we want it."

You laughed.

"Hey, it's alright. That's just a road-bump. It doesn't mean we're giving up."

You smirked, taking the welding mask off his face, and placing it on your own.

You flipped down the lid, watching through the small visor at your now-grinning boyfriend.

"Let's get to work, shall we?"


You two were finally done.
And damn, was the chariot awesome.

The bronze exterior gleamed and shined in the moonlight (it was about 2 in the morning), sparkling along the flame patterns that decorate the sides.

A mini-cannon sits on either side, holding an arsenal of electric spears ready to be shot at the touch of a button. There were retractable, see-through shields on either side of the chariot, providing protection if needed. There were guarders on the wheels, protecting them from breaking down or being harmed.

Oh, you were winning this.

"This is lovely," Leo said as he wrapped his arms around your waist. A series of taps hit your elbow, his fingers imprinting a pattern.

You pause.

"...Is that morse code?"

He smiles.
"Yes. It means 'I love you, and there's no way in Hades we're losing."

Timeskip to morning of Race




The chariot lurched forward, followed by neighs and whinnies of each chariot's horses. The cheers erupting begin to fade into the distance as your chariot speeds up.

"Woohoo!" You yell into the wind, your (H/C) hair whipping behind you. Leo looks back from the reigns to admire your beauty and happiness.

Damn, he's a lucky guy.


Another chariot rammed into your side, causing you to stumble slightly. You smirked, pressing the button on the right mini-cannon.

Well, that takes care of one team.

This process continued, you having to lift the shields frequently as Leo kept you on course.

You were currently in second, behind Nikki and Nico, who were racing with some skeletal horses with a fiery black chariot.

Nikki sported a childish grin, waving back at you enthusiastically as Nico held the reigns.

You shook your head with a smirk. She may be your sister, but you had a goal set in mind. And you two were very competitive.

"Leo! Hit the reigns!"

Leo turned to you and smirked.

"With pleasure."

You suddenly jerk forward, easily sliding up next to the Hades/(godly parent) chariot.
Nikki seemed to expect this, immediately opening fire on you with her silver pistols.

Before either of you got hit, you lifted the shields, easily expelling the bullets.

Nico opened cracks in the earth before you, but to no avail. The guarder rails on the wheels kept them stable.

Your turn.
You smirked as you aimed the left cannon at the spokes of their front wheel.



Their chariot spins off to the side, into the forest, and crashing into a tree.

"Jeez, (Y/N). You took them down!"
You heard Leo yell to you from the front.

"Hell, yeah!"

You faced forward, the finish line coming closer and closer...

An erupting of cheers came from the Hephaestus and (godly parent) cabin as they lifted you and Leo into the air. Leo grabbed your hand, holding it up with his as your names were called out in celebration.

When they set you down, the first thing Leo did was grab you by the shoulders and place a kiss on your lips, to which you fully returned.
The crowed 'awed' when you parted, causing you to turn red.

Leo smirked and pulled you into a swaying hug.

"I am a lucky guy, indeed."

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