Chapter 15.

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(A/N: my friends were mad at me for the cliffhanger so I'm writing this chapter earlier than I wanted to XD. And thank you for 2.5k reads! Seriously, I didn't think this story would get more than 10 reads, let alone 1k. Can't thank you enough, and I hope you enjoy!)

Your Point of View:


It feels like your floating.

Or dreaming, most likely dreaming.

You felt numb everywhere, other than having a splitting headache that brought tears to your eyes.

Even though you were dreaming, it still hurt like hell.

Colors started to form into scenery around you, probably turning into visions. Demigods usually get visions of things to come in their dreams.

The colors morphed together and focused, forming into what looked like a teenage girl. Her hair was short, not passing her chin, and was a warm chestnut brown color. A long swoop of bang hung over her forehead and slightly over her right eye. She had a pair of blocky, black rimmed glasses that covered a pair of mahogany eyes with an owl pattern in the iris. She was tall and had good posture as she slightly tilted her head to the left.

In her arms was a manga and a sketchbook. She also had what looked like a picture frame, as her astonishing eyes flicked over the photo. Her gaze snapped up, her reddish-brown eyes meeting your (E/C) ones. She lifted up two slender fingers, beckoning you towards her.

You walked-or floated- towards her as she lifted the photo for you to see. You looked at the picture, your eyes widening in surprise.


Nikki stood in front of one person, who you suspected to be her (Human parent) as the teenager stood next to her, a hand ruffling her chocolate locks. You furrowed your brow in confusion.

The girl flipped it over.

Behind Nikki's and her own picture were their names.



Cassidy, huh? So that's who this girl is? You didn't know Nikki had a sister that wasn't a step-sibling. You looked back up at Cassidy, a tiny smile forming on her lips as she points into the nothingness behind her. You look, trying to decipher what she has to tell you.

More colors appeared and morphed together, creating what looked like a building. A name in bold silver letters was on a large plaque above the entrance.

"Vermont University of Art and Design."

Everything started fading, Cassidy waving to you as she turned into darkness once more.

You had the sensation of falling, at a very fast speed I might add.

And then, it stopped.

You jerked upwards from your lying position, immediately regretting it as a searing pain laced through your skull.

"(Y/N)!" a voice exclaimed, causing you to wince at the noise.

"Sorry," they whispered sheepishly.

You forced your eyes open, despite your mind's protests, and looked up to see Jake looking at you worriedly.

"You okay? You took a nasty hit, sis," he said, examining your head. You whimpered as he touched your scalp.

"I'll get you an ice pack."

He walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.
Wait, room?
Weren't you in an alleyway?

You looked at your surroundings.

You lay on a tattered, but still usable bed covered in beige duvet sheets with white pillows. The walls were floral print in an ugly maroon color, and the carpet a sickly tan. A couch sat not to far away from you, where a sleeping Nico was cuddling with what looked like Nikki's panda hat.

You were then aware of the warmth in your right hand.

You looked down, seeing Leo holding onto your hand tightly, his eyes closed and forehead on your lap. He snored softly, squeezing your hand every now and then.

You smiled, leaned down slowly so your head didn't throb, and kissed his cheek softly. He giggled in his sleep and shifted a bit.

You reached your hand towards your head, coming into contact with a bandage wrapped tightly around your head.

You jumped when Leo started to sit up, mumbling incoherent things as he rubbed his eye with the fist that wasn't holding your hand.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," you joked.

"Morning," he offered with a lazy smile. His eyes widened considerably as he realized that you were awake. The grin on his face couldn't have been bigger.

"(Y/N)!" He jumped up above you on the bed and took your face in his hands, squishing your cheeks. He pressed chaste kisses to every open spot on your face, making you giggle loudly. He stops at your lips, pressing one long one, pulling away, and rubbing his nose against yours.

"Don't scare me like that, missy," he mumbled into your hair as he hugged you.

"Sorry, but it's a good thing I was knocked out."

He looked at you quizzically, pulling away and picking up the glass of nectar on your bedside table, handing it to you.
"Good thing?" He asked as you sipped, enjoying the taste of (favorite food) as the pain in your skull faded into a dull throb.

Putting down the glass, you looked up at him, taking a sigh-like breath.

"I know where we have to go next."

(A/N: Yo! Yeah, my sister wanted in on this story so there she is. Your welcome, Cass @ReverseMermaid. Anyway, please vote and comment, I always love feedback on what I write. Thanks!)

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