Chapter 11.

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(A/N: Feel special that I'm putting off homework for you guys XD)

Your Point of View:

You pack your things agonizingly slowly into a duffel bag as you think about tonight's events.


You sat at the campfire wrapped in the arms of none other than Leo Valdez. You sat on his lap, his arms around your entire torso as he swayed lightly to the beat of the music. Leo kissed the nape of your neck lightly as he hummed the song that the Apollo kids were singing into your hair.

You wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

That's when Rachel froze up.

A prophecy was beginning.
Green mist poured out of her mouth as she spoke in an ominous voice:

The Queen of Ice

Holds your friend.

A demigod taken

A frozen heart to mend.

Time is running out,

She's locked away.

The girl who gets lost

Off the path, she strays.

The one who still smiles when nothing's okay,

Trying to help in any way.

Retrieve your sister, daughter of (godly parent)

Son of (godly parent).

Son of Darkness.

Son of fire.

The time has come

Before she expires.

Everyone stared at Rachel as the prophecy ended.
A child of (godly parent)? Taken?
Your heart started to beat rapidly.
Who is it? Who was taken?

That's when you heard Nico's breath hitch.

"Nikki was out of camp, visiting her aunt... she was supposed to be back a week ago, and she doesn't live that far away from New York," he whispered, his voice cracking slightly.

Your heart stopped.

The Queen of Ice took Nikki?
The people around you, including Leo, Jake, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Nico, and Tyson, sat stiff, not being able to comprehend what happened to their friend and sister.

Percy's fists clenched.

"Khione," he spat with pure venom in his tone. "The queen of ice."

This information hit you like a bucket of cold water to the face. Your whole body tensed as it thought of what could be happening to your sister right now.

"W-wait, we don't know if it's N-Nikki, do we?" You whisper, not able to find your voice completely.

"No one else is missing from the cabin, sis," Jake whispered back, just as shaken.

Murmurs of inquiry were swept away with the wind as Chiron called for quiet.

"It seems that this quest is specific with it's partakers," he announced.
"This quest will not be easy. Khione is powerful, and finding this demigod may risk your lives."

He glanced towards your group.

"Let's begin.
Nico di Angelo, 'Son of darkness', will you accept this quest?"

Nico stood up shakily, his breathing uneven.

"I will," he stated confidently.

"Leo Valdez, 'Son of fire', will you accept this quest?"

You slid off Leo's lap, allowing him to stand up with a determined look on his handsome features.

"I will."

"Jake Livingston, 'Son of (godly parent)', do you accept this quest?"

Jake stood up quickly, not wasting any time.


"(Y/N) (L/N), 'Daughter of (godly parent)', do you accept this quest?"

You slowly stood up, still trying to take in this information.


"Now," Chiron boomed. "That us settled. You four will set off in the morning. Pack everything that is essential for this mission. And do take a sweater, the queen of ice won't turn up the heat for unwanted guests."

No one laughed at his slight joke.

~~A little afterwards~~

You, Leo, Jake, and Nico walked sullenly back to your cabins, all of your gazes in the ground. This hit you hard.
Nico's eyes were glazed over, his steps heavy and labored, like it was hard just for him to move.

Leo's hand was intertwined with yours, squeezing it reassuringly every now and then. You leaned your head against his shoulder, thinking about your missing sister.

How she would smuggle cheesecake into her room when she thought no one was watching, while in reality, you saw the whole thing.

How she would pickpocket the most useless items from people and check the return slots in vending machines for any money left.

How whenever you were sad, she would take you into her room and make you watch YouTube with her in an attempt to make you happy.

You sighed with your eyes closed as Leo moved his hand up from your own and around your shoulders.

"We'll get her," he whispered as he kissed your cheek.

"Hell yeah, we'll get her," Jake grumbled determinedly.

Nico didn't respond. This hit him harder than you thought.

"Nico?" You tentatively ask.

He looked up at you.

Tears rimmed his eyes as he willed them not to fall, trying to stay strong.
It wasn't working.

All he did was nod, then turn off towards his cabin.

You all sigh.

Jake takes off ahead back to your cabin as you and Leo wander the camp grounds.

"I don't want you to worry," Leo started.
"I know how much this worries you, believe me, I'm right there with you. But we are going to get her back, one way or another. And I will do everything in my power to protect you. I would be a sucky boyfriend if I didn't, huh?" He joked.

You chuckled lightly. He always knew what to say.

"Plus, did you see Nico? He looked like he was about to break into pieces. He needs her," he finished, his thoughts on the missing Nikki and his distraught girlfriend.

"Thanks, Leo," you smiled. You two were outside of your cabin.
"Good night kiss?" He teasingly asked.

You giggled, placing your soft, plump lips on his thin and warm ones. He wrapped his arms around you, almost as if he let go, you'd disappear. You tilted your head slightly as your arms snaked their way around his neck.
You moved your lips in sync until that mean old thing called oxygen pulled you apart.

"Goodnight," he whispered with a half-lidded gaze, placing a loving kiss on your forehead.

"Night," you replied as you walked inside your cabin, and shut the door.

So right now, as your packing, your mind strays to the upcoming quest in search of your sister.

You set your duffel bag to the side of your bed, stretching and popping your joints. You lay down without even changing, too mentally exhausted from the distressing news of the day. Closing your eyes, you slowly drifted off to sleep.

Okay, now I think it's time for you to go on your first quest. What's gonna happen? I'm not telling you shit just yet! Comment and vote if you can!)

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