Chapter 46.

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(A/N: Trying to get back into the groove of updates.)

Glitchy's Point of View (3rd):

It wasn't until they felt so exhausted they were half-dead that they saw the tall clay jar, covered in chains and hidden in shadows.

Annabeth was the first to spot it, standing tall, dark, and almost completely obscured by overgrown ivy and miscellaneous plants.

Did they really not notice it?

I mean, that thing was pretty big.

Well, they obviously didn't stand a chance fighting the aurai. They were already incredibly injured and were likely to loose this battle. But, with that diligent and astounding mind of Annabeth's, a plan quickly formulated.

And they wouldn't even have to finish the fight.

Annabeth parried an aurai's strike with her ivory blade, making her way to Hazel. "We're gonna need a little magic," she said, back to back with the daughter of Pluto.

Hazel flashed Annabeth a look of doubt and confusion, blocking a blow with her gladius.

"What good would it do?"

Annabeth paused. Would it work? Would it do any good?

Oh, well. It's the only plan they have.

Annabeth quickly explained what she needed Hazel to do, subtly gesturing to the jar in the corner. Hazel gave some skeptical looks and hopeful expressions, finally agreeing.

"Everyone take cover!" Annabeth advised, Hazel doing as told and working her magic.

Hazel made the aurai see what they wanted to see. Each demigod being killed and strewn on the floor like bloody streamers and crumpled paper.

The winged women smiled in triumph, their leathery faces contorting and twisting to accommodate the happy expression.
It was a bit more terrifying than their snarls.

"Now!" Annabeth yelled.

Taking this precious moment while the aurai were stationary, the demigods threw the blades and points of their weapons towards the decrepit and decaying ceiling.

Each weapon lodged itself there for only a moment. A deafening crack resounded and split through the already hazardous ceiling. Each demigod took cover as spiderweb cracks split through the ceiling, causing panic to rise in the flanks of aurai.

But it was already too late.

The ceiling came crashing down onto the winged women, a single unified cry of pain being yelled as the crumbling concrete ceiling smashed them to dust, sending them back to where they belong;

Technically, they didn't kill the aurai.
The ceiling did.

As the loud resounding rumbling of fallen concrete and plaster died, only the demigods' labored breathing could be heard.

"The jar!" Annabeth immediately said. "Someone break the jar!"

Not so fast!
Eris' angered and whiny voice cried out.
You should be dead!
She sighed exasperatedly.
If you want someone killed, you've got to kill them yourself.

A thick black smoke started to rise from the floor, weaving together like straw, taking the form of a person.

A curvy, beautiful, evil, and absolutely abhorrent woman by the name of Eris.

A snarl curled on her plump red lips.
"You weren't supposed to win!" She stomped her foot like an upset toddler. "I'm supposed to show mother that I'm her darkest child! You ruined my chaos!"

Annabeth examined the woman with narrowed eyes. She was like a spoiled child. One hit and she'll retreat.

But getting a good hit on her would prove difficult. The spoiled and angry kids will thrash and thrash until they get what they want, or get a good scolding.

Annabeth thought that a scolding was in order.

"You insolent, meddling.." Eris stuttered, trying to find the right words. 

They used her whiny rant to their advantage.

Jason stepped forward, thrusting his sword at her abdomen. She gasped, quickly sidestepping and growling. "Cheater!" She stomped her foot again.

Hazel was the next to strike at her. She managed a slash on the goddess' arm, causing a bit of polluted-looking ichor to spill.

Eris gasped and growled in frustration. "Stop that! I command you!"

It didn't take long for the goddess' own ego and cries of disapproval to work to the demigods' advantage. She was subdued in no time.

"Funny," Annabeth panted, the tip of her ivory sword lodged in the goddess' stomach. "I thought gods were supposed to be powerful."

With a surprised stare at the sword in her abdomen as the grungy ichor spilled, the woman retreated into black vapor with a pained cry.

Annabeth chuckled as she panted. "Just like a spoiled kid. Running back to mommy, no doubt."

Percy wrapped an arm around her. "Have I mentioned how brilliant you are?"

Annabeth chuckled. "You should mention it more often."

"Sorry to break up the cute little scene," Nikki interrupted. "But we need to break the jar. I'd like my sister's memories back."

Jason nodded. "That thing's pretty big."

"And it looks thick," Frank said.

"Shouldn't be a problem," Percy encouraged with a grin.

"Would you like to do the honors?" Piper smiled at Annabeth. "You did keep up alive back there."

Annabeth gave a lopsided smile and brandished her weapon, stepping up to the clay jar. "Gods," she muttered. "I hope this works."

With a grunt and a strong thrust of her sword, Annabeth smashed a chunk out of the clay jar containing countless demigods' memories.

The demigods paused, each frozen in anticipation. "Did it work?" Hazel asked nervously.

In response, small balls of blue light scrambled out of the jar like fireflies traveling at hyper speed. A show of moving and floating lights like lanterns let into the sky left the demigods staring in awe.

Each ball of light sped out of the jar and through the walls and ceiling, heading back to their owners.


Your Point of View:

You carried on your incredibly odd conversation with the Latino elf, Leo, totally oblivious to the ball of light that just flew straight into the back of your head.

Oh, gods.
The head rush that came after that was absolute murder.

You clutched your head as lost memories shoved their way into your head. Memories of your childhood, leading up through monster attacks, your name, Camp Half Blood.

Oh gods, Leo.

You must've looked distressed, because Leo's expression turned concerned as he stopped in the middle of a sentence. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

You looked straight at him, your expression unreadable. A complete feeling of relief washed over you at the sight of him. He fretted and fussed over you.

"Did I say something wrong? What happened? Should I-"

You grabbed his collar and slammed your lips to his.

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