Chapter 18.

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(A/N: I'm really glad if your enjoying this story so far, it's a lot of fun to write, and seeing all of the supporting comments makes me feel so happy :D.
It's gonna be sad to end this, but don't worry. It's not ending any time soon. XD)

Your Point of View:

"Sup?" Cassidy asked in a mellow voice, that grin still spread across her face.

Okay, she just killed a Chimera, found four battered and bloody demigods, and all she has to say is 'sup'?

Yeah, Nikki's sister most definitely.

"Uh, hey," Leo mumbled, his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed just as confused as you were. You exchanged glances with the rest of the group. Jake was holding Nico up, his leg injury worse than you thought.

"What're you all doing in Vermont? Camp is in New York, last time I checked," Cassidy chuckled, taking a step forward and extending her arm. "The name's Cassidy."

You placed your hand in hers, her long, slender fingers almost reaching your wrists.
"(Y/N)," you replied. "That's Leo, Jake, and Nico," you said, pointing to every one of your companions.

She smiled slightly, but it quickly turned back into a stoic expression when she glanced at Nico's leg, which was now beginning to bleed.

"Get over here. We're gonna clean that leg up," she ordered pointing to the set of creamy beige buildings about a mile away.

"I don't think he can walk that far," Jake commented hesitantly, jerking his head towards Nico, who started to protest.

"I'll be fine."

~Time Skip to inside the University~

You sat on the couch in Cassidy's dormitory, Leo next to you with his arm slung around your shoulders. You watched as Cassidy's long, nimble fingers cleaned out and bandaged Nico's leg, which had a large, puffy gash along the length of his shin. He munched quietly on a square of Ambrosia, not even flinching when the peroxide bubbled in his wound.

"So," Cassidy started, alleviating the silence that spread through the large, poster-covered room. "What brings you to Vermont? A quest?" She asked, applying one last strip of surgical tape to Nico's bandage.

Okay, this was gonna be hard. How do you tell someone that their sister has been kidnapped and might be slowly freezing to death as we speak? Don't you need a gift basket for these situations?

These thoughts only made your heart sink as you silently hoped that Nikki was still alive and well.

"Yeah," Jake answered for you. "We're on a quest."

"Where to? And I'm gonna guess that there's a reason your here. This is a private campus, and the bus stop's at the entrance. It's also the last stop on the schedule before it heads back to the city," she pointed out quite efficiently, once again pushing up her glasses with her index finger.

You all scuffed your feet uncomfortably.

"We need to ask you some stuff," Leo quickly spoke up, trying to avoid that conversation.

"Like what?" She grunted as she stood, heading towards the small kitchen section of the dorm.

"About this quest. I had a vision, and you were in it. I think we need your help," you called to her. She walked back out, her arms full of water bottles and snack bags. She handed you all one of each. You picked up the water bottle, greedily taking a long swig.

"What's the quest about? Where are we going?" So many questions, so little covers for the heartbreaking conversation approaching.

"First things first, your Nikki's biological sister, right?" Jake asked.

"Yup. Same mom and dad. Just a couple years apart. Weird, huh? Anyways, how do you know her?" She inquired, tilting her head to the left.

"Best friend," Leo said proudly.
"Half brother and sister," you said, motioning to yourself and Jake.

"Boyfriend," Nico mumbled, looking down at his shoes.

"Dude, I'm deaf, your gonna have to speak up," she said, pointing to the hearing aids she was wearing.

Nico cleared his throat.
"I'm her boyfriend," he said, a bit louder this time.
Cassidy's usual stoic expression remained, only an eyebrow raised. She stared-or glared, either one- at Nico for a bit longer, before turning back to all of you.

"What is it that I am needed for?" She said in a mock-regal voice, dropping the subject completely.

Breathe, (Y/N).

"We wanted to know if you could come with us to Quebec."

She paused, her facial expressions going from confused, to realization, to to surprised, and finally, to plain irked.

"Khione?" She spitting the name with venom dripping in her tone.

"Yeah," you whispered timidly. She was kinda intimidating.

"I'd love to give her a good pounding. What did she do this time?"

The four of you froze.

"Sh-she took someone. From camp. We don't know why," Jake whispered.

"Who'd she take?"

Goddammit, Cassidy. Stop making this hard.

"Tell me," she said forcefully. She probably already expected that she knew them.

Leo's grip tightened on your shoulders as you spoke.

"She took Nikki."

Everything was silent.

Cassidy stayed expressionless, blinking particularly quickly, as the dead silence started to make Leo twitch uncomfortably. He started to fiddle with the gears and pipe cleaners in his pocket with one hand, squeezing your hand periodically with the other.

She suddenly stood, making you all jump in fear. Her facial expression never changed as she walked out of the room.

She came back out about 7 minutes later, a backpack slung over her left shoulder and her double-ended paintbrush in hand.

She didn't take a second look at any of you as she walked over to the door. She violently flung it open. You all quickly stood up, starting after her.

"Let's go."

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