Chapter 28.

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Your Point of View:

For the last week, a small group of demigods, Clarisse, Drew, Percy, Annabeth, Malcolm, and and Michael Yew, have been on a quest near Ogygia as they look for another missing camper.

Something's happening, and you know it's not just Khione looking for another minion.

As the days go by, more and more demigods are reported missing, raising suspicion to you and the whole camp. It started with Nikki, then Lacy from the Aphrodite cabin, and got worse from there. It seemed like every week, one of your comrades would disappear, either at the hands of a monster, or a minor god or goddess.

Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

Anxiety pooled in the pit of your stomach as the group of chosen demigods went to search for Jake Mason, son of Hephaestus, and your boyfriend's half-brother. Leo was worried, but he hid it behind a smile and really shitty puns.

You sat quietly at your cabin's table, eating a strawberry strudel as the hustle and bustle of the pavilion surrounded you.

"Sup?" You hear a voice from behind you.

You grow a smile and give out a breathy laugh.

"Hey, Nikki."

You turn around, seeing Nikki holding a plate piled extremely high with blueberry waffles that were literally drowned in syrup.

"Got enough, there?" You chuckle as she sits beside you.

"Not nearly," she replies with a giant, childish grin.

You giggle loudly, your mood better than moments ago.
"Where's Flames-a-lot?" She inquired, her head swerving from left to right as she dug into her breakfast.

Your eyebrows raised. Now that you think about it, Leo hadn't come to breakfast today, which was extremely odd.

"I honestly have no clue," you replied, glancing around as you shoved a fork full of strudel into your mouth.

Nikki shoved a square of waffle past her lips, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Where was the recent quest's location, again?"

You looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Somewhere near Ogygia, why?"

She put her fork on the side of her plate, her shoulders slumping slightly. She hummed in thought, then quickly stood, leaving a completely demolished plate of waffles on the table.

"I'm gonna go talk to Nico for a sec, okay?"
She didn't wait for an answer as she headed toward the Hades cabin.

You stared after her in confusion. What was so bad about Ogygia? What could have possible happened there that makes her so worried?

You placed your elbow on the wooden table, your hand supporting your head.

Everyone's been acting different lately. It's as if everyone has their own personal rain cloud. Nikki's usually smiling and making shitty puns that can rival Leo's as she throws stink bombs around with the Stolls. She's been more quiet and thoughtful as of late.

And what about Leo? He's become a bit distant, as if he keeps looking to the past.

The fuck is going on?

You stood, discarding your half-eaten breakfast before making your way towards the training arena.

Small clouds of dirt rise behind you with each scuff of your shoes on the trail. You hear the whirs of arrows being let loose, the clashing of swords, the usual battle sounds.

And a giant group of chattering and shouting was huddled by the entrance to the camp.

Huh. That's new.

You made your way over there, spotting Nikki and Nico intertwined in the outer ring of spectators.

"Nik!" You yelled. She slowly glanced back at you. You rose an eyebrow at her expression.

She looked absolutely pissed.

And nobody likes a pissed-off Nikki.

"What's going on?" You asked when you made it to her, standing on your tip-toes to see over the crowd's heads.

Her eye twitched in annoyance as another voice rang out behind you two.

"(Y/N)! Nikki!"

It was Leo.

He ran up to you, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek, then putting his hands on Nikki and Nico's shoulders, using them as leverage as he tries to see what the center of attention is.

Nikki shrugs him off, her eyebrows furrowed as she remained silent. He looks at her, confused about his best friend's actions.

"Somethin' wrong, Nik?"

She disregarded him, and tugged slightly on Nico's jacket sleeve.

He nodded, neither of them looking at each other.

"They made it!"

"They got Jake!"

"Who's that girl?"

"She's hot!"

Comments flew through the air faster than you could say your own name. The group came back! With Jake! That's great news!

But a new girl? Who are they talking about?

The crowd parted slightly, allowing the four of you to make it to the front. The group was there, only holding minor injuries. Jake looked like he just woke up, and didn't know what was going on.

Which was probably the case.

Nothing looked out of the ordinary, though.

Well, except for the extremely gorgeous girl who looked pretty uncomfortable in the middle of the group.

She had long, shining, curly brown locks that framed her face perfectly. Her golden eyes scanned the crowd as her left hand fiddled with the fabric of her white dress.

The four of you stood at the front of the crowd, now. You observed the girl in confusion. It's almost as if she's glowing. Is she a demigod? A goddess?

Nikki stared at the girl with narrowed eyes. She didn't look happy one bit Nico had his hand on her shoulder, probably holding her where she was.

The girl's eyes hit Leo, and she suddenly gasped, pushing her way forward.

You looked at Leo. She knew him? In all honesty, he looked just as stunned.

Before you could react, the mystery girl had made it to Leo, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Pushing her lips onto your boyfriend's.

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