Chapter 8.

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(A/N: The other bonus chapter coming soon! Idk when, I just wanted to get back to the story. XD

Your Point of View:
You yawned lightly as you sat at the breakfast table with your siblings, your cheek resting lightly upon your left palm, fingers curled toward your left cheek.
You hadn't gotten much sleep last night; you had spent the entire night with your boyfriend Leo, celebrating your one month anniversary.

He had insisted on doing something special for you, even if you protested, saying that him remembering and being with you was enough.

~~Flash Back~~
"Leo!" You squealed in a fit of giggles as your sweetheart of a boyfriend tickled you as he straddled your waist on the media room couch, wanting to hear your sweet laugh.
"Stop...can't...breath!" you yelped in between laughs, trying to catch your breath.

Leo stopped his tickling torture for a moment as you attempted to catch your breath.
"Nah," he suddenly said. "Your okay."
His hands made their way back onto your sides, tickling up and down as you fought for air.

After he was satisfied, he sat up, allowing you to follow him into a sitting position on the couch.
"Geez, Leo," you chuckled, breathing heavily. He looked at you with a cheeky grin as you both turn your attention back to the film you were originally watching. Before Leo felt the need to tickle you, that is.

Suddenly, a warm, strong pair of arms wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you into the lap of your loving boyfriend. You squeaked lightly in surprise as Leo nuzzled your cheek gently. His warm breath tickled the side of your neck, making your face heat up considerably.

You snuggle your face into his chest, attempting to hide the blush that he caused. His chest rumbled with a deep chuckle as you listened to his heart pound.

"Hey, (Y/N)~" Leo cooed in your ear.
You looked up, only for a pair of lips to come crashing down on yours.

You immediately responded, moving your soft lips against his warm ones. His arms wrapped themselves securely around your waist as your hands made their way into his curly locks.
You shivered in pure bliss as he rubbed small circles into your hips, biting lightly on your bottom lip.
You tugged lightly on strands of his hair, causing the tiniest of groans to come from him.
That surprised you.
He removed his lips from yours, trailing them down in a searing path to your neck. His lips placed small kisses in various spots on your neck, until he found your sweet spot.
You let out a small moan, surprising yourself and Leo.
His lips placed themselves on that very spot, sucking lightly and nipping every now and then.
You ran your hands through his hair harder, panting lightly from the overwhelming feelings filling your body.

Leo's lips removed themselves from your neck, which absolutely was going to leave a mark. Placing one more soft kiss onto your plump lips, he snuggled his cheek against your own, sighing contentedly with a blissful grin on his face.

"I love you."

Your breath hitched. Your heart was pounding with elation, those words making you squeeze him closer to you.
"I love you too."

And with that, you both fell asleep in each other's arms.

~~Back to Present~~
A stupid grin spread across your lips as the events from last night replayed in your head as you closed your eyes, staring at the inside of your eyelids.

"Morning~" a sweet voice cooed as a pair of arms wrapped around your waist from behind, and a chin was placed on your shoulder.

You turned slightly so you were able to kiss your repair boy's cheek lightly.
"Good morning," you giggled.

"Go be cute somewhere else," your sister Nikki whined as she finished up her breakfast.

You laughed at her uncomfortableness and pecked Leo's lips, causing her to cover her eyes with her hands like a little kid.
When she spread her fingers to peak if you were done being all lovey-dovey, her hands removed from her face quickly, her honey-hazel eyes widening to the size of saucers.

"(Y/N)," she tried to say as calmly as possible, either shaking from laughter or rage.

"...Why do you have a hickey?"

You turned bright red, tugging your shirt collar higher on your neck, as Leo smirked in triumph.
"That's simple, Nik," he stated with that cocky smirk.

"So they know she's mine."

Bring It On, Valdez (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now