Chapter 49.

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(A/N: So once again I'm still trying to get adjusted to an update schedule so the dates of each update are gonna be all helter-skelter for a little while. Thanks for bearing with it :D)

Your Point of View:

It had been a while since you and Leo really did anything noteworthy together. Lately, spending time with your dorky boyfriend consisted of watching movies and cuddling-- not that you minded at all. You just thought something a little spontaneous and fun would be nice.

Needless to say, Leo couldn't pick up on that. It was always hard for him to pick up on your thoughts, but he tried his best. If it wasn't for Nikki smacking some sense into him and telling him how you were feeling, he probably would've screwed up big time.

"Where are we going?" You let out an amused giggle, Leo's hand firmly laced into yours as he tugged you along. After a while of convincing, Leo had managed to get Chiron to allow you two one day outside of camp; weapons on you two at all times, of course.

"You'll know when we're there, dear," Leo let out a chuckle, walking backwards momentarily so he could adjust the scarf around your neck. It was the beginning of October, the weather progressively getting colder.

The crunching of leaves beneath your feet slowly turned into your shoes slapping against the pavement of asphalt and the sound of rushing traffic. Leo's warm, calloused fingers slide in between yours and gently pull you along.

Leo just knew that you'd love this. You wanted spontaneous, and it was his duty as the best boyfriend ever to deliver that to you. Plus, Ferris wheels were prime make out spots (well, in Mr. McShizzle's mind).

The sounds of honking cars and your shoes slapping against asphalt slowly morphed into grass padding and...what was that sound?

Carnival music!

Leo suddenly stopped walking, causing you to bump into the back of his shoulder. He let out a bright chuckle, stepping to the side so you could see what he lead you to.
"I know we haven't been doing much as a couple lately," he admitted sheepishly. "And maybe I haven't been the best boyfriend. But I hope you love tonight as much as I love you."

Glittering lights dance before your eyes, spiraling up toward the sky and dotting a Ferris wheel. The wheel was crowning a sea of bright light and laughter and music, carnival games in rows and rows in the clearing. The smell of funnel cake and the sound of calliope music finishes the scene magically.

Your heart lifts, the corners of your lips curling upward immediately. "Leo," you breathed with an incredulous chuckle. "This is gonna be awesome."

Leo grinned that grin that he only did when looking at you; one full of admiration and thankfulness, and definitely love.

"I was hoping you'd say that."


The amount of fun that you had should be considered criminal.

The first thing that Leo had his heart set on was a small lizard plushy. No, he wasn't going to win you a stuffed animal all heroically and romantically.

You were going to work your ass off and get him that lizard.

I mean, the puppy dog eyes were enough to convince you.

So, through an outrageous amount of money and profanities over a game of ring toss, you won your boyfriend his little lizard.

Hey, the smile on his face was enough of a reward.

Leo grabbed your hand and dragged you into the Tunnel of Love. In all honesty, you thought those things were cliche.

Leo sat you down next to him in the cramped little boat. You made an upset sound. He turned to you with that mischievous grin.

"Let's make fun of everything we see."

So, that's how you and Leo we're currently spending your time; making fun of every single automaton and cliche love quote that decorated the tunnel.

Until it broke down, that is.

You glanced around the tunnel as the lights flickered out and the instrumental version of "Kiss the Girl" that was playing grumbled to a stop. The Tunnel of Love had fallen silent.

The PA system fired up, crackling and echoing throughout the cavern.
"We are sorry to inform any passengers that we are currently having technical difficulties. Please stand by as we make repairs, and we will send you back on your lovely way. Thank you."

The PA fell silent once more.

"Well!" Leo performed the "yawn move," where he yawned and stretched, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
You grinned, leaning closer. "Well?"

Leo laughed brightly and pulled you onto his lap, now straddling him. He pressed a soft kiss to one of your collarbones.

"What to do, what to do..."

You laughed and cupped his cheeks, pulling the cheeky idiot to your lips. He happily obliged, setting his hands onto your waist.

And it was probably the best make out session that a Tunnel of Love had ever been privileged to host.


"Gah, Leo, your hair's on fire!"

"Hey, at least we can see now!"

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