Chapter 41.

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(A/N: //laughs maliciously//)

Glitchy's Point of View (3rd):

Mrs. O'Leary hadn't stopped running. They neared the west cost faster than any plane could've.

They seemed to go nonstop. Scenery flashed before their eyes. Fields of golden wheat rippling across the earth like waves meshed into cites with skyscrapers that glittered like stalagmites. The cities shortened into little towns, then eventually into woodland areas with trees as big as the skyscrapers in the cities.

It was an interesting and pleasing sight, but they had a bigger goal in mind.

As they neared Los Angeles, California, thoughts of figuring out who's responsible for the disappearances of demigods swan through their heads.

They'd take this perpetrator down, ultimately getting their beloved (Y/N) back.

They had rode across the border of Nevada and into California one day ago, now entering Los Angeles. Palm trees were littered throughout the city, the sun shining brighter than they'd ever seen before. Beach goers and businessmen alike walked along the sidewalks past shops and theaters, little coffee shops and book stores.

And in one of those little bookstores held our (Y/N).

Mrs. O'Leary began to slow down, her tongue flopping around as she panted. They stayed in the shadows, or at least, the shadows they could find in the sunshine state.

The hellhound's nose twitched as she sniffed the air, pawing re ground in excitement. Everyone dismounted/Frank turned back into his normal form. Arion ran off to the coast.

Percy took a step onto the busy sidewalk full of tanned skin and the glares of sunglasses over citizen's eyes.
He looked back to the group. "I guess she's here. We'll find her, make sure she's okay, and go to find whoever was doing this."

Leo pushed passed him with Mrs. O'Leary and led the way. He wasn't in the mood to wait.

The group took a collective sigh and followed.

They walked for blocks, past all kinds of people, some they couldn't see from the glare of the sun. Mrs. O'Leary stopped in front of a bookstore, pawing the ground anxiously. Her tail wagged a mile a minute.

"She must be in-" Percy started, getting interrupted by Leo pushing his way through the doors of the bookstore, everyone following behind.

The store was cozy, a little fireplace sitting in the corner surrounded by red velvet couches and an antique coffee table. Shelves upon shelves of booms spread through the store like a labyrinth, obscuring the front desk from immediate view.

A little bell chimed as the door opened and closed.

A girl with silky (H/C) hair and bright, dazzling (E/C) eyes stepped out from behind one of the towering shelves.
She wore a murky green apron with a name tag over her heart.

It read:


Leo was the first to act. He tackled the startled girl in a hug, making her squeak and stumble backwards.

Leo was almost to tears. "You don't know how happy I am to see you," be laughed breathlessly with a watery smile.

Nikki was going to join the hug when she noticed two things. One; the mark on her wrist. Two;

She didn't hug Leo back.

Nikki knew something was up. She would never every deny a hug from her boyfriend, no matter how mad she was at him in any situation.

(Y/N) gently shoved Leo off of her, looking up with a sad frown. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, Leo's eyes widening.

"Do I know you?"

Those four words sent a bullet through Leo's heart. His breath hitched, taking a startled step back and opening his mouth in horror.


She didn't remember him?

Nikki spoke up quietly. "Just like what happened to Drew."

Annabeth looked to her. "You're right," she sighed sadly. "And still no trace of who would do this."

"Not exactly," Nikki answered, gaining the attention. Of the rest of the group.

(Y/N) looked frightened. These people who claimed to know her seemed dangerous, and-


Were they carrying weapons?

(Y/N) tried to inch back towards the desk to reach the store panic button to call the authorities.

Before she could move, Nikki grabbed her wrist, causing her to squeak.

Nikki held up (Y/N)'s wrist, which had a brand on it, like a cattle prod brand.

It was a small, smoking apple with one bite taken from it.

"I think we have our goddess."

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