Chapter 47.

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So quest is over and I'm up for requests :D)

Your Point of View:

Damn, you didn't realize how precious those memories were until you lost them.

Leo seemed to realize what happened, a small squeal passing his lips and hitting yours as his hands moved to cup your cheeks. You gripped his collar tightly, afraid that if you let go, he would disappear.

Leo felt the same.

One of his hands cupped the back of your neck, moving up to entangle itself in your hair. He tilted his head, lips working against yours with fervor. You snake your arms tightly around his neck, pulling him as close as possible.

He mumbled little words of relief in Spanish against your lips, your heart fluttering at the sound of his voice, just as always.

Just as always.

His other hand, the one that wasn't buried in your hair, was wrapped around your waist, tracing shapes on your side.

Your nose nudged against his, signaling the need for air as he reluctantly and slowly pulled away.

He rested his forehead against yours. You cupped his cheeks and closed your eyes as he spoke.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again."


The weeks after were tediously exhausting. Fortunately, all of the missing demigods were retrieved with both major, minor, or nonexistent injuries.

And in these weeks after, Leo kept to his promise. He didn't let you leave his sight, the bathroom and changing clothing being the only exception.

His hand was always found in yours.
His eyes were always seen staring deeply into yours or down at your intertwined hands, playing with your fingers.

You didn't mind. Not one bit.

Right now was one of those moments where Leo hugged you, but refused to let go.

"Leo," you chuckled into the crook of his neck, arms winding around his slim torso. "Not that I mind at all, but what's with all the spontaneous affection?"

Leo's body melted perfectly into yours, his arms wound tightly around your waist and nose buried into your hair. It was one of those hugs that was so comfortable and meaningful that it sent warm shivers up your spine.

"I've been through how it feels to lose you," he said very, very quietly, breath tickling your ear. "I'm cherishing you so I never forget how lucky I am to have you."

You melted into a puddle, burrowing your face into Leo's collarbone. His heartbeat was slow and soft and soothing against your cheek.

"Love you, Valdez," your smile was sincere and playful, and he could feel it against his chest. He let a chuckle rumble in his chest.

"I don't think you can handle all the love I have for you," he lifted you up so you were nose-to-nose.

You smirked.

"Bring it on, Valdez."

Bring It On, Valdez (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now