Chapter 16.

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(A/N: I keep updating so fast it doesn't leave much suspense XD. it's just fun writing. But yeah, new character, new place, and a still-missing Nikki. Shits going down soon XD.)

Your Point of View:
"What do you mean?" Leo asked as you attempted to stand up. As soon as you did, a wave of nausea hit you making you go tumbling back down. Leo caught you in the midst, wrapping one arm around your waist as he placed your arm around his neck.

"I had a vision," you started, taking baby steps towards the couch with Leo's help as your head throbbed.
"We have to go to the 'Vermont University of Art and Design'," you stated the name of the building in your dream.

"What's there? It's not like any of us go to college, and I'm pretty sure Khione doesn't care about school," He chuckled as he set you down on a recliner, next to where Nico was sleeping.

You lay your head against the chair's cushion, taking deep breaths to reduce the throbbing.

Before you could answer, the door to the shitty motel room opened, revealing Jake, holding a decent sized ice pack. The sound of the creaky door opening startled Nico awake. His hair, messier than it usually is, stuck up on several places. He rubbed at the dark bags under his eyes as he slowly sat up, placing the panda hat next to him.

"(Y/N), you good?" He mumbled sleepily.
"Hurts like Hades, but I'll live," you reply.

Jake hands you the ice pack as you snatch it thankfully. Placing it on your scalp, you breathe a sigh of relief at the cold on your wound.

"(Y/N) had a vision. She said we needed to go to some college around here," Leo passed on to the others.

"A school? How's that gonna help us?" Jake asked as he took a seat next to Nico, who was now fully awake.

You shifted a bit to get a better look at them, then answered.

"Nikki's sister is there."

Jake looked at you funny.

"Uh, (Y/N), your her sister. That's not really narrowing it down," he chuckled.

"No," you said, pausing.
"Her biological sister."

The three boys' brows furrowed.
"She has a sister?" Leo said with a confused pout.

"Apparently so," you sighed.

"Is she a demigod, too?" Nico asked with a yawn.

"Probably," you replied. "She looked old enough to have left camp."

"What's her name?" Jake asked. "Maybe I've heard about her from some of the older campers."


A look of realization sweeps across his face. "Yeah, I've heard some of the other campers talk about her. She left camp a long while ago to go to college year-round. Wanted to be a designer. And she's damn good at it," Jake affirmed. "I just didn't know she was directly related to Nikki."

You all sat in a short silence, trying to collect your thoughts. The quiet didn't last long, for your stomach started to rumble quite loudly.
You blushed in embarrassment, sheepishly smiling.

"C'mon, let's get some food in you. You've been out for a good couple of hours," Leo chuckled.

"Then we start heading to this university," Nico said immediately afterward.

"Yeah, we can't waste time. Are you sure your okay to walk around, (Y/N)?" Leo asked, voice laced with concern.

You attempted to stand, succeeding with no nausea, only a slight, dull throbbing in your temples.

"I'll be alright. C'mon, let's get food!" You cheered cutely.

~~Time skip to Random Café~~
You sipped on a/an (favorite drink) as the four of you leaned over a map, finding a route to the university.

"It's not to far away, we can just take a bus there, only about three stops in between," Jake mumbled, biting on the straw in his soda cup. Nico wrapped his hands around the coffee mug, sipping his hot chocolate as his eyes flick over the map.
"I'll be right back," Jake said. "I'm gonna get a refill." Jake stood, and Nico soon followed his lead.
"Same," he mumbled.

Leo picked up your drink and took a sip. "Hey," you whined. "Mine," you say, pulling your drink protectively to your chest. He laughed, slinging his arms around your waist and nuzzling into your cheek.
"Share," he whined back.
You pressed your lips to his softly and pulled away quickly, leaving him wanting more than just a peck. You giggled as he complained into the crook of your neck.

He pulled his face back up and tried to kiss you, but you held your face away, just to tease him. You had your fingers on his cheeks, making him look like a fish as he tried to reach your face. He puckered his already scrunched-up lips, and closed his eyes.

"I'm waiting," he said, in a muffled, matter-of-factly tone.
You rolled your eyes and places your lips on his lightly as he wrapped his arms around you. He pulled away, just to leave kisses everywhere on your face. You shrieked in giggles as he pressed his lips to your cheeks, nose, forehead, you name it.

"Ahem," you hear someone say. You and Leo looked up to be met with the amused eyes of your companions. You blushed, but Leo just pulled you closer.

"Problem?" He asked with a smirk, his eyes challenging them. Nico rolled his eyes and sat back down, Jake following his lead.

"The bus comes in twenty minutes, we should get going."

~~At the bus stop because Glitchy-chan is lazy~~

You wrapped your jacket tightly around your form as you sat on a metal bench, waiting for the bus.

Leo instinctively pulled you closer, heating his body up slightly to keep you warm. Nico didn't looked fazed, while Jake's teeth chattered uncontrollably.


The bus pulled up slowly, its doors squealing open with a release of air.
You four stood up, climbing up the steps of the vehicle. As Nico payed the driver, Leo held you by the hand and waist, helping you up. You still had a few aches and pains from the impact of the brick wall.

Following Nico's lead, you all make your way to the back of the bus, where there was less passengers.
When you sat, you looked at the other riders curiously.

Up at front there was a couple who were looking through a wedding magazine, the woman excitedly flipping through pages as the man chuckled at her enthusiasm.

In the middle of the bus there was a man in a fancy business suit snoozing with a newspaper on his face. In the isle across from him was a rather large woman with flamboyantly pink clothing, holding a barking chihuahua.
Behind her, there was woman with a 6-year-old next to her, the kid's eyes glued to a small game console.

Looking at your companions, you notice that Nico was frowning (like usual), but this time out of concern. His eyebrows were furrowed, his gaze pinned to the woman with the chihuahua.
Then you heard it.

Looking back up at the woman, you notice that she's whispering something- to the chihuahua.

Your eyes widen and your body shakes as you make out what she's saying.

"I can smell them, too.

The demigods."

Bring It On, Valdez (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now