Chapter 19.

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(A/N: Hey, so shout out to Kin g_Of_The_Peacocks go read her story "In Love with a Lupin" (Teddy Lupin x reader). Keep writing, E!
Also, to those of you who had a conversation with me about Voldemort a few chapters back, you all are great okay.
On with the story!)

Nikki's Point of View:


All I could feel was this goddamn cold.

It's too cold to even move. It's like my joints are frozen in place. I wouldn't be surprised if they were.
How long have I been here, anyway?
A week?
3 weeks?
A year?

My back and legs are pressed against the floor, which is- you guessed it- frigid, probably made out of ice. My head lolls to the left, barely having enough strength to move my eyes in their own sockets.

The room is blue, I think.
And shiny.
Very shiny.

It's empty, save for me, and a small, barred window up by the ceiling. There's a door, but it only appears when she comes in. It's like an arch, and when she wants to visit her prisoner, it's melts away.

I've thought of escape, but what's the point if you can't even move?
And on top of all that, I think she cursed me.

I know she did something to me.

The first day I was thrown in here by those spirits if hers, I watched her do it. She chanted something.
Touched my right leg.
When she did, it instantly started to burn. Not a heat burn. More like freezer burn.

That feeling has been stretching up my leg for however long I've been in here. The first few days, the cold never got to me.
All I could think of was escape.
I wanted to see my friends.

She took my pistols, the ones with the celestial bronze bullets. And it's not like I could fist fight her with icy handcuffs restraining me. She threw me in the cell, leaving with a cackle.

After a few days of formulating plans that didn't work, the freezer burn sensation in my leg came back. Worse, this time.

I looked at my leg, whimpering.


Patterns of white frost traveled up my leg, stopping just below my knee.

Uh, oh.

My skin turned even paler than it already is, but with a bluish glow. It hurt.

It hurt like hell.

So, that's how I ended up here. Slowly freezing to death on the cold floor of Ice Bitch's prison.

The frost crept up on my body even more with each passing day. First my entire right leg, then my hip and torso, then my right shoulder, all the way to my fingertips.
Now, it slowly makes it way onto my face. Encasing one of my cheeks in skin-thin ice, it started to make its way into my right eye.

I can't feel the pain anymore, everything goes numb when your this cold.

My vision is blurry, but I can see my reflection well enough in the mirror-like ice that surrounded me.
Oh, Gods, my eye.

The usual honey-hazel color has been drained by the frost, leaving it such a light color, someone could mistake it for the sclera.

I wheeze the cold air in and out of my lungs, trying to keep breathing. I'm not giving up. Not even close.

But what can I do?

The archway melts.
Great, Ice Bitch is right on time.

She saunters in, her pitch black hair in big, loopy curls and her white sleeveless dress trailing behind her. A malicious smirk plays on her blood red lips as she looks down at my pathetic form.

"My, my. Have I broken your spirit, yet?" She asks as she tosses a loaf of bread in front of my face, knowing I can't move.

"Go on," she stifles an evil laugh. "You need to eat."

Okay, I may not have enough strength to fully move, but I do have enough strength to lift an arm and flip her off.

Her face contorts into a sneer.

"Just you wait. Soon, I won't be needing you anymore. Those pathetic little friends and siblings will be here soon, and the person I'm looking for will be at your rescue. It seems like your just a liability, dear," she says to me in a sickeningly sweet tone.

A liability?
No, that's not true.

"But," she continues her rant, like I care. "I can't say you won't come out of this unharmed. That eye of yours isn't looking too good, dear." She clicks her tongue at me.

Now that she mentions it, everything's becoming blurry in my right eye. Slowly but surely, I'll lose my sight in it.

Fan fucking TASTIC.

"Well, I'm off." She swishes her long dress at me as she turns around.
"Don't want to miss our guests arriving."

And just like that, she's out.
The archway re-freezes, closing me back into this igloo.

I'm scared.
A liability?
Maybe that's all I am.

I can't think about that now, though. All I can't think about is what she wants with my sister, and why I'm being used as bait.

What is she planning to do with her?

What is she planning to do with (Y/N)?

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