chishiya shuntaro x reader

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"Hey, uhm, is Chishiya here?"

"H-Holy shit, Y/N! U-Uhm, well, C-Chishiya's—"

"Don't even think about lying to me, Arisu."

Arisu gulped, placing his phone behind his pocket, as soon as he saw your hands balled into fists. Sighing, he led you to a room since he, too, can't take it anymore. Y/N is a good friend and doesn't deserve to be treated this way.

She has to know...

"...I love you too."

That's when you froze. It's him. That's his voice...

With a shattered heart, you stood still in your place as Arisu bit his lip in guilt.

"W-Why is he here...? He said he was at w-work." You took out your phone and texted him.

"baby where r u?"

"I'm at work. Why?"

"Listen, Y/N, bef—"

"Liar." You pushed Arisu aside before slamming the door open.


"Fuck, baby..."

Why can't you move? Why can't you talk? Why can't you say something? Why can't you beat him up? Fuck.

"L-Listen, Y/N—"

"Please...Leave me alone...I-I can't do this." All the anger and determination left your body and was soon replaced by pure pain and numbness.

"Baby—" He held your arm and turned you to face him, but as soon as you did, your palm landed on his cheek.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" Slowly, the tears fell as you stare at his eyes. "Out of all people, why you...?"

"Let go already, Chishiya. Enough is enough—"

"Shut the fuck up, Arisu!" Chishiya yelled. "Y/N, baby, I-I didn't mean this—"

Another slap.

"Let go." You coldly muttered, harshly wiping your tears away. "I said let go, Shuntaro. Fucking let go, you manipulating shit!"

"Let's talk this out please..."

"Dude, she said let go." Arisu swiftly took your arm away from him and got infront of you. "I'm done covering up for you, Chishiya. Man up, it's your fault you lost a diamond. To think that you're an incredible genius."

"Y/N, come on! Let's talk! Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Don't leave me...You're all I have..."

You turn to look at him with a cold yet teary eyes, hands balled into fist as Arisu held your back.

"You have Kuina now."

"Y/N...I'm so sorry..." She cupped her mouth.

"Don't be." You chuckled. "From now on, let's forget the three of us ever met. I don't think I'll be forgiving you anytime soon. Even if you kneel infront of me."

"Come on, Y/N, let's go." Arisu held your hand as he dragged you away from the place. "Here, get in." He softly muttered as soon as he opened the car's door for you.

"W-Where are you taking me?" You sniffed, holding back the tears since you don't like crying.

"Some place where you can vent your pain out."

You can only nod, feeling that if you spoke even more, the tears will fall.

You observed where Arisu is taking you, it's like a—


"Usagi and I climbed this mountain and vented our pains out. I already texted her while you were asking me where doofus is. Don't worry, Y/N, forget him. He's no good."

"I'm trying..." You whispered.

"We're here." Arisu pulled up the car into a place of many trees. The first thing that you felt as soon as you got out from the car, was a warm hug.

"Sorry about what happened..."


"Come on, let's get you all better."

You weren't really a fan of climbing but this would seem to take Chishiya off your mind. Ignoring the constant buzzing of your phone, you continued to climb the mountain.

"Here, give me your hand." Usagi stretched out her hand for you to reach and once you did, you saw a wonderful scenery from the very top of it. "I was already here a couple of hours ago, beautiful, right?"

"It's amazing."

"Your phone is annoying. Give it to me." Arisu tsked.

"You're not going to throw it away, right?"

"What? Of course not. I'm just going to delete Chishiya's phone number since it seems like you can't do it."

Frowning, you gave him your phone.

"Shout, Y/N. Release those tears. You can do it."

As soon as Usagi said those words, your tears that you have been keeping in, slowly flowed down. Memories of you and Chishiya flashed on your mind as well as the event that happened a while ago. Your heart clenched.

"Fuck!" You yelled. "Why me?! I just wanted to be loved! Chishiya Shuntaro! I fucking hate you! Damn you!" You sobbed, knees weakening as you got on your knees.


"But why do I still find myself loving you..."

i don't find this satisfying :/ lemme try this angst again, but with arisu this time ;)

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