characters halloween special pt. 2

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Bloodshot eyes met their terrified ones as they silently whimpered in fear. The demon-like woman tilted its head to the right before tapping on the door with its long, rotting nails.

"Valeo!" You shouted. It screamed and it pierced your ears like needle pricking your earlobes.

"I-Is she gone?" Usagi sniffed, slowly raising her head from Kuina's arms that protected her.

"For now." You mumbled, making Chishiya look up at you with his alluring eyes. It stung your heart when he avoided your gaze just like that.

"It's near 3 a.m." Niragi muttered.

"We have to go." Karube licked his lips, obviously trying to figure a way out. "We can't stay here forever."

"He's right." You whispered. "Go. Go."

Chishiya took a glance at you before motioning the rest to follow him. You went right infront of him, as if guiding everyone like a light towards the end of the darkness.

"This is all your damn fault!" Kuina whisper-yelled at Niragi who just looked at her in disbelief.

"Speak for yourself, you agreed too!"

"Do you think now's the right time to argue?" Karube scoffed. "We're in the middle of running away from lost souls that are trying to get us. In the middle of running away from a fucking scary demon."

"Karube's right," Usagi held on Kuina's arm as she sighed. "We need to focus. Where now, Chishiya?"

Chishiya's eyes landed on you. As soon as you opened your mouth, a creepy hum caught your attention followed by footsteps.

"S-She's near," You whispered. "Open your flashlights, if it doesn't work, chant "Valeo" over and over until you find the exit. Elevators won't obviously work so use the backstairs as soon as you turn left from here. I'll take care of this thing."

"Thank you...Y/N." Chishiya mumbled, enough for you to hear making you blink numerous times. Tears started to gather in your eyes and so you ushered for them to leave.

"Remember that I'll always...always guide you, no matter what." Whispering to no one, you let your tears fall down.

As soon as you turned around, you came face to face with a familiar scary feature. Bloodshot eyes, pale face with distorted smile.

"J-Just let them go." You bit your lip, unable to move. The demon smiled menacingly before running swiftly as if the wind just passed by. "No!"

With all your might, you ran. Praying that the demon won't get to them.

"Please, please, guide them to safety."

"...Hurry up, Niragi!" Chōta's voice made you sigh in relief, realizing that they're already at the main entrance of the hospital. You didn't even notice.

Looking at your right side, you saw the little boy with no eyes, he was pointing at the ceiling just above you. You slowly looked up, gasping softly as you saw the demonic woman twisting its head to smile at you.

"There!" Niragi's voice caught your attention but unfortunately, it also caught the demon's.

They all managed to walk out but one didn't follow them right away.

"Chishiya..." You whispered, eyes widening as the demon crawled fastly towards his direction.

Gathering all the strength you have left, you ran towards him before giving him a push.

He rolled outside the main entrance but was immediately caught by Arisu and Niragi.

"You good, man?" Niragi asked.

Chishiya's eyes immediately searched for your orbs and when he did, his heart started to ache. When will he accept it?

A metal chain was wrapped around your neck, the chain being held by the demon as if you were some sort of slave. His eyes then landed on your floating feet. When will he accept it?

"I'm sorry." You whispered, but you know he can't hear it. You just hoped that he'll forgive you.

"S-Shuntaro..." Usagi softly muttered, holding on his hoodie sleeve before giving him a paper. "This...This is for you."

Chishiya slowly opened the letter and was quickly welcomed by a familiar handwriting. Your handwriting.

To whoever may find this letter, do me a favor and give it to Chishiya Shuntaro.

Hey, it's me, Y/N. I just want to say thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin. Thank you for not leaving my side. Thank you for being there with me through my darkest times. When mom died, you were the only person I have left. Thank you.

Remember when we promised to move to another place and live together forever? I'm sorry for not being able to do that with you. I'm sorry for not fulfilling my promise. I'm sorry for leaving you behind. I'm so sorry.

Please don't hate me. I'm probably going to die soon, but always remember that I'll guide you, always. My soul will be free from it. Just wait, Chishiya.

I love you so much.


"W-What did the letter say, Chi?"

"She sold her soul to the demon." Chishiya muttered, placing the letter on his pocket as your pure white orbs met his.

Tears unknowingly fell from both your eyes, desperately begging deep inside to hold each other once again, for the last time.

"Forgive me." You uttered silently.

Guilt was with her til her very last breath and it was the reason why she was held captive.

"I forgive you." Chishiya's knees weakened as he knelt before sobbing quietly. "Let her go. Give her peace."

"She's in a better place now." Karube gave Chishiya a small smile while Arisu patted his back.

They are currently standing infront of L/N Y/N's grave, silently mourning and praying for her soul to be in paradise.

"I bet she is." Chishiya licked his lips before smiling, eyes landing on the big tree that wasn't very far from them.

There, your figure stood. You smiled back at him before waving. Your white dress swayed gracefully with the wind and so did your presence as you slowly vanished.

"In another lifetime." Chishiya whispered into the air.

"Always with you."

this turned out rather sad and long hamdjxjsbdh. was this good? i honestly don't think it is, pls tell me it was somehow okay. anyways, sorry for taking so long to update.

oh, i also created a haikyuu!! oneshot, if you want to check it out, you're free to do so! i am also accepting requests there so don't hesitate to drop some of yer requests. that's all, have a lovely week ahead, stay safe and healthy! < 3

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