chishiya shuntaro x reader

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As you walked in your swimsuit, you saw Arisu waving near the swimming pool.

"Hey, where's Usagi?" You whispered, hiding your body using your arms.

"Somewhere. She's changing her clothes. By the way, are you uncomfortable? Here, you can have my shirt-"

"It's fine, Arisu. I'm fine." You gave your friend a smile before feeling a bit thirsty. "Got any drinks?"

"Ah, no, sorry, but I can go get one-"

"Nah, it's cool, I'll go get it. See you!"

"Hey, Y/N," He grabbed your wrist. "Be careful, alright? I...I can't lose you too."

You hugged the boy, knowing it was hard losing Karube and Chōta along the way, it was hard for you too, considering the fact that you were childhood best friends. As Arisu tightened his grip, you patted his back soothingly.

"I will, and you better be careful too. You won't lose me nor Usagi, we'll survive this fucked up place together. That's what we promised those two doofus, right?" You soothingly rubbed circles on his back as he released a long sigh.

"You're right." He smiled.

"I always am."

As Arisu playfully rolled his eyes, you punched his stomach before walking away to go get some refreshments.

Being busy hiding your body, you accidentally bumped into someone.


"Well, well, well..."

"Fuck..." You whispered. "Hey, Niragi..."

"Looking good, Y/N~ Why don't we have some fun, yeah?" As Niragi got closer, he trailed his fingers on your thighs, up to your waist making you shiver in disgust.

These types of men disgust the shit outta you.

"Get those fingers away from me."

"Would you rather them inside you then?"

"You disg-"


All eyes averted to the owner of the voice. As he got closer, your eyes widened. He had his jacket on his hand, swiftly wrapping you around with it as he securely covered your body.

"Hey, Chishiya, she's mine-"

"I don't see your name on her."

Niragi pointed the gun on his face making you flinch. You gripped on Chishiya's hand, signalling him to stop smirking as it annoys Niragi even more.

"I don't see your name on her too, I got to her first. Finders, keepers, fucker." Niragi smirked.

"Maybe I am a fucker. Right, Y/N?" The man twirled your hair using his fingers as he whispered those words.

"C-Chishiya..." You pinched his side causing him to groan before laughing lowly.

"What? Don't be embarrassed now. Tell him how good I am. He doesn't seem to believe me, so maybe if you tell him how good I am, he would leave you alone," He smirked before eyeing Niragi dangerously. "Right, Niragi?"

"You fucking cunt, you annoy the fuck outta me."

"Okay, you two, stop it, you're both acting like fucking kids. I just want to have a fucking drink, goddamn it." You massaged your head before glaring at the both of them. "You," You pointed at Niragi. "You know how close I am with Aguni, one word from me and you're dead."

"Fine." Niragi growled.

"And you," You pointed at Chishiya as he smugly held his hands up in surrender with a teasing smirk. And so with a blushing face, you grabbed his hand and dragged him out of there. "What were you thinking?!"


"Niragi wouldn't hesitate to pull that trigger if you pissed him even more, are you out of your mind?"

"My jacket looks good on you though."

"Be serious, Chishiya!"

"Fine," His face turned serious as he looked at you dead in the eye. "Is it wrong if I wanted to save your life? Is it wrong for me to be possessive? Is it wrong for me to claim what's mine-"

"Damn, I knew I was gorgeous."

"You and your mood swings." Chishiya shook his head before sighing, grabbing your cheeks as he smiled softly. "I'm fine with you being close to Arisu because I know he's like a brother to you, but he really pisses me off sometimes, especially when he hugs you for too long. I envy him for that. How can he hug a masterpiece without even having a mini heart-attack?"

This is the other side of Chishiya Shuntaro that you didn't knew until now.

"But I'm not fine whenever that Niragi is around. I swear I'll kill him if he ever lays a finger on you."

"Why are you saying this again?"

"Seriously? Are you dumb? Or just dense?" He snorted.

"Oh shut up, I'm both."

"I'm saying this because I l-love you and I-I'm jealous."

"Oh, cool." You grinned.


"Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty sure by now you've realized that I like you, right? To be honest, that moment you saved me from that damned tagger, I knew you were the one. I really wanted Kenma, but I guess his look-a-like would do."


"Anywho! I love you too. I love you too, Chishiya. Thank you for saving me again. I'm sorry for shouting, I was just worried. You were so calm and the gun was so close to your head and-mhmp!"

Soft lips got molded with yours as you process everything that is happening. That is when you felt Chishiya's lips moving, his hands caressing your face as you held the hem of his shirt. As he kissed you senseless, you moaned whenever he would nibble on your lower lip.

The kiss lasted for a minute before you parted to catch your breaths.

"T-That was rude..." You panted, resting your forehead on his chest.

"You were talking too much." He chuckled, fixing his jacket that is currently wrapped around your body.

"Hey, can I keep this? Please?" You hugged your body with a smile.

"You can keep me too, y'know."

"You know, I fell in love with the serious Chishiya, but now, I think I fell even deeper with this new side of yours." Your face reddened when he intertwined your fingers together.

"And this side of me will only be yours to see."

i simp for this man. periodt.

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