ryōhei arisu x reader

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Arisu always loved it when Y/N would often play with his hair. She would always cuddle with him whenever she can and he would never complain since he's also liking the warmth the girl is giving off.

"I like your hair, Ryōhei. They're fluffy!"


"Cuddles. Now."

Ever since they were kids, they were already very close. He doesn't ever want to let her go.

"You'll stay by my side forever, right Y/N?"

"I promise."

But she had to let go.

Arisu currently sat on his bed, the gloomy aura of the dark room embracing his form as his tears flowed endlessly from his eyes.

"You promised me..." He whispered, gently brushing his fingers over their picture frame and an old-looking camera. He can still remember the day when they took this photo.

"Arisu! Come here!" Arisu rolled his eyes playfully, walking towards her with a small smile.


"Just one picture, please?" She pleaded. "I really wanted to try this camera you bought me. This is really pretty!"

"Fine." Arisu chuckled, posing behind her.

"Damn, I miss you already," The pain slowly ate his heart as he felt his body weakening. Arisu carefully hugged the picture and camera as he silently cried.

"Do you really have to go?" He sadly whispered, watching her fix her luggage.

"Hey," Y/N went to him and cupped his cheeks as she stood infront of him. "I've always dreamt of this, you know that. I can't let this opportunity go." She softly whispered.

"I-I know. It's just—It's not the same when you're not here." He admitted, holding her hands that once cupped his cheeks. "Chōta and Karube are sad too, y'know. No more annoying Y/N for a few months."

"Oh, shut up." Y/N laughed, slapping the latter's chest. "It's not easy for me too, but..."

"I understand." He smiled.

"I know you would." She kissed his cheek before continuing to place her clothes inside her luggage. "Are you sure about driving me to the airport?"

"Yeah, the two are coming too."

The whole ride, Arisu debated whether to tell her now or someday. But he decided to tell her when the right time comes.

"Don't...go..." Chōta held on her shirt making her sniff. Y/N tackled Chōta and Karube with a bear hug, a few tears flowing from their eyes since they knew that it'll be a long time for them to see one another again.

"I'll miss you, guys." She whispered.

"I'm sure your boyfriend will miss you too."

"Shut up, Karube." She pinched his side making the boy groan.

As she pulled away from the two, Arisu opened his arms into which she immediately jumped in.

"I'll miss your cuddles." He whispered, brushing her hair.

"I'll miss you." Y/N inhaled his sweet scent, not really wanting to let go. "I promise, I'll call everytime whenever I can."

"You better." Karube swiftly wiped away his tears.

"We're still going to make fun of the noodles that came out from Chōta's nose."

"Hey! That was supposed to be a secret!"

As the two bickered, Arisu cupped her cheeks, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"If you ever get the chance, please come back immediately. I-I have to tell you something."

"Tell me now." She whispered.


"All passengers for New York will depart in a few minutes. Please go straight to Gate 15."

"I need to go."

"Wait," Arisu grabbed her arm. "I...Take care, okay?"

Karube face-palmed as Chōta shook his head in disappointment.

"I-I will. Take care too, alright? Bye, guys!"

As she walked away, he whispered the words he's been longing to say.

"I love you."

"Boke, why say that now?! You boke!"

"Karube, that hurts—ow!"

Arisu cried even more. "Fuck, I should've told you how I felt. Goddamn it!" He fell on his bed as he hugged the objects tighter.

"I love you." He whispered.

"She's coming home today," Karube smiled.

"I'm so—"

"Breaking News. All passengers for Japan got to a horrifying plane crash at the middle of their flight. According to the witnesses and rescuers, there were only a few survivor."

Chōta cupped his mouth, Karube gripped on his seat as Arisu silently prayed.

"We have..." As the reporter went on and on, their hearts sank when no L/N Y/N was mentioned.


It was still fresh from his mind and heart. The more he remembered it, the more he cried. Regret bathed him like water as soon as he heard those news.

"R-Ryōhei..." He heard Hajime calling him. "It's time to go."

With a heavy heart, he stood up from his bed with the camera and placed the frame on his study table.

He felt so empty. So numb.

"Y/N won't like it if you cry so much," Hajime patted his back in an attempt to somehow cheer him up.

"I-It hurts." He lowered his head as he covered his tear stained face.

"I know. It's hard for us as well to lose a sunshine in our lives. Even dad won't talk too much."

"I-I just want her to come back to me...I never g-got the chance to tell her I-I love her..."

"Get up, Ryōhei, you can still make her feel like you love her."

No one dared to talk for they're mourning over her death, and as soon as Ryōhei saw her lying on her coffin, he plastered a sad smile.

"You're still as beautiful as ever."

Fast forward to the burying of her coffin, Ryōhei watched heavily, gripping tightly on her camera.

"For the last time...I love you..."

i hope this pain ur hearts somehow. ryōhei arisu crying will always break me.

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