karube daikichi x reader

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"Hey, Y/N!"

I've always loved it when my name would always escape your lips.

"You doing good? I heard you got sick yesterday? You should be resting right now."

How you would care for me whenever I get sick or if I act weird out of nowhere.

"Yeah, but I'm fine now, Karube, no need to worry."

"But still, what if your fever comes back?" Karube frowned.

And honestly, I just wish we could stay like this forever.

"I'm serious, I'm fine. Now, come on, let's do our work." You grinned. Karube only huffed before continuing to wipe the beer containers (?)

"If you get sick again, I'll be mad at you."

You laughed at his childish remarks making him frown even more as he acted like he was indeed angry.

You never fail to make me smile.

To make me laugh.

To make me feel loved.

You're so good at making my heart flutter.

"Oh, by the way," He then turned to you with a smile on his face. A very happy one. And that smile alone captivated your gaze once again, it made your heart beat crazy. "I have some great news."

"Oh? Spill then." You muttered, arranging the beers on their rightful places while humming.

"I'm going to propose to her tomorrow."

Yet you're also good at breaking it.

"R-Really?" You felt weak.

"Yeah! Wanna see the ring? Here, let me—Are you alright? You look pale, hey, Y/N." He was about to touch you but you avoided him secretly by flashing a grin.

"I-I think you're right, I shouldn't have gone to work."

Then maybe, I would be able to ready myself and protect my heart.

"Why? Is your fever coming again?" Karube's face was full of worry as he bit his lip.

"Y-Yeah, I-I think it's the fever." You chuckled. "I'll ask the manager if I could leave early."

Please don't follow me.

I am so close to breaking down.

It hurts.

"I'll come with you. You might faint or some shit—"

"I'll be alright."

You smiled at him one last time before walking towards the manager's room. As soon as you knocked, you opened the door and came in.

"Wow, you're back—"

It's been fun working here.

I had a cool manager.

Met new friends.

Found the love of my life.

And got my heart shattered.

"Accept my resignation."

wow, i was just so happy that i thought of publishing an angst cus it's been a while hehe. anywho, hope u liked it!! luvlots mwa!! <33  ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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