karube daikichi x reader

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"You good?" Karube asked as he gently held your face, checking your skin for possible wounds or scratches.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, geez, no need to worry too much."

With your light laugh entering his ears like some melodic tune, his worried self got soothed almost immediately, pulling you into a tight and warm embrace.

"I thought I'd lost you, Y/N." Followed by a cuss, Karube whispered softly in your ears, worry and fear evident as those emotions laced within his voice.

The brave façade you've been putting up for him immediately fell down, you were scared as hell. You thought you'd die too, if that happens, you'll never see Karube again. You won't be able to hear his laugh, his scolds, his lame jokes, and all that. Your grip tightened on his shirt, lips trembling lightly making you bite it as you prevent the tears from falling down.

You savored the moment, thanking whoever is up there that you both survived that horrifying game along with your friends. Your breathing got ragged as you breathed heavily.

"I was so scared..."

"Shh, you're here, baby, I got you. You're here...I'm here. You're safe, I got you, Y/N." He sincerely whispered, kissing your head as his embrace got tighter.

Your mind wandered from the event that happened earlier, true to his words, Karube did got you earlier. He saved you...from getting shot.

The thought made you panic making you pull away from him with a worried expression plastered on your face.

"Hey, what are you—Fuck!"

He loudly hissed, cussing as you pressed your fingers on his shoulder, fresh blood soaking his shirt. He, too, looked shocked, he didn't realized the wound up til now.

"Arisu, Chōta, are you guys hurt too?"

"No, I-I'm good!" Chōta replied, fiddling with his shirt, sweats trickling down his forehead.

"I'm fine, too, no wounds." Arisu responded, his voice quite husky due to the yelling he did earlier.

"That's a relief, now, please help me with Karube over here. He's got a bullet wound, and please, don't panic, Chōta, everything's fine. Just do exactly as I say." You immediately assured the worried man as he nodded his head furiously, couldn't find the right words to utter.

You gave them tasks; asked for them to bring you the right materials you'll be needing in order to patch up Karube's bullet wound. As soon as they arrived, you didn't waste a second into getting to action. You worked and utilized the tools you'll be using.

"You might wanna bite onto this cloth, baby, this is gonna hurt." You warned him, a piece of cloth in between your fingers. Karube nodded his head making you sigh softly, bringing the cloth onto his mouth as he bit on it.

"He won't die, right?"

"No, Chōta, calm down." Arisu gave an "are you fucking serious, no one's gonna die" expression.



"Yeah, well, get used to it. This shit's got a lot of blood going on." You muttered, cleaning the tools you just used as Arisu wiped away the blood trails that fell while you were treating Karube's wound.

"He's fine now, right?"

"Mhm, he's all good now, Arisu. He's just resting. Performing a quick pull-out of the bullet can be really tiring and painful especially if there's no anaesthesia present."

"I'm surprised he was able to hold himself back from screaming in pain." Arisu chuckled dryly. "If I were him, I'd be crying already, still."

You laughed at his reply, "That's Karube, there's nothing surprising about that."

Your eyes landed on the room where Karube is currently resting, the door's closed, however, there's a window beside it allowing you to see just his face.

"You look...in love." Chōta mumbled.

"Do I?" You chuckled, licking your lips, not taking your eyes off of Karube's sleeping face.

"Yeah, you look stupidly in love." He snorted before running off, you playfully glared at his retreating form before releasing a deep sigh.

I do love Karube, so much, more than I could ever imagine. If something happens to him, I don't know what I'd do by then. It's just me and him against the struggles of this cruel world.

do excuse my grammar errors and typos, it's currently 2 am and i'm sleepy asf, i just wanna publish this as soon as possible—i won't be doing requests anymore, i'll be finishing this book by this week, hopefully, god i'm so lazy i know.

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