arisu ryōhei x reader

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"We've already been through two games but we haven't seen her yet." Chōta mumbled, biting his nail as he anxiously paced back and forth.

"Hey, stop doing that. She's alive, I can feel it, okay? Besides, that girl doesn't know when and how to give up so I'm sure she's just...out there." Karube tried to calm the man down but failed miserably.

"Chōta, calm down. Y/N's fine, I'm sure of it." Arisu spoke, voice lacing with gentleness as he rubbed Chōta's back to soothe him down.

Despite all the comforting words they're giving each other, their minds only have one thought in common; what if she's dead already?

Sighing, Arisu stood up from his seat, claiming he wants to take a walk for a moment to get some fresh air after the cruel game they just played.

"Just don't stay out too long, okay?"

"Yes, dad." He jokingly replied to Karube, not sparing him a glance but managed to wave goodbye.

Arisu placed his hands inside his pockets before heaving a deep sigh of frustration. He wants to get out, he wants to save his friends and then himself. But how can he do that when one of his dear treasures is missing?

"You choose to disappear now?" He frustratingly ruffled his hair, groaning out loud as it echoed throughout the hallway of the place.

As soon as he stepped out, he aimlessly walked, looking left and right in hopes to find, at least, a person. Just a single one. But alas, the road was devoid of any human life.

He wasn't looking where he was going, kicking a few pebbles every now and then, not fearing whether a vehicle is going to run him over or something.

Like that's gonna happen.

"Out of the way, dingbat!"

The familiar insult made his brows furrow, he swiftly turned to see the girl, but unfortunately got bumped in the chest as they both fell into the ground.


"Oh, it's you! Come on, love, stand up. Hurry!" Y/N did her best to assist her friend, holding him by his arm while dusting off the dirt that got into his shirt.

"Shit, where did you ran off to? Why are you in such a hurry? What were you doing? We've been looking everywhere for you! Answer m—"

"You bitch! Come here! I am so going to fucking kill you!"

"No time, nerd, come on!" Wincing, she grabbed his sleeves, pulling him to another corner, then another, then another until they lost the men chasing after them.

They were hiding behind a large trash bin, panting like crazy as sweats trickled down their foreheads. Footsteps were still heard, but after a minute or so, it disappeared.

"Now," Arisu licked his lips, whispering as he panted. "Mind answering my questions?"

"Huh? Oh, you lost me at shit, sorry."

"I'm serious." He was getting impatient, irritated even.

"Thought you're Arisu."

She was laughing at her lame jokes, but Arisu was just plain annoyed. He was worried, they were worried!

"Ehem," Y/N cleared her throat as soon as she noticed Arisu's expression. "Sorry, I, uhm, I got into this game along with this creepy gang-like sorta shit, and this dude with piercings just started forcing himself to me. I was getting kinda uncomfortable, and, man, was he so pushy."

She stood up from her spot, dusting off her clothes as she chuckled.

"So I just straight up punched him in the nose and kicked his balls before running like crazy."

"We better make sure not to cross our paths with them again, they'll kill us both."

"I know. Don't worry, they won't hurt you, nor the boys. You got me, protecting you and shit."

With that smile etched on her lips, a genuine one, Arisu couldn't help but slowly wrap his arms around her figure. His perturbed mind once again found peace within her presence.

"I love you."

Arisu felt her flinch slightly before slowly sinking herself towards his embrace.

"Mhm," Y/N chuckled, inhaling Arisu's scent as if she'll never smell that intoxicating odor again. "I know, I know."

I love you too, Arisu. So much.

idek anymore.

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