chishiya shuntaro x reader

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this is the part 2 requested by ElenaSixx

3 months. 3 months and Chishiya still calls you like crazy, he messages you whenever he gets the chance, always knocking at your door every night. How could you possibly not give in?

"You got 5 minutes to tell me what you want."

"You. You're all I want." He answered with no hesitation as his eyes bore into your soul.

"Well, fuck this," You rolled your eyes, grabbing your bag before standing up.

"Please, Y/N...I can change."

"You're a scary man." You admitted, avoiding contact as you remembered everything that has happened. "You wounded me, even if I tell you that I forgive you, do you think I'll be able to forget?"

"I'm...I'm sorry, baby. I'm really sorry. That was so shitty of me. The last thing I wanna do is hurt you, yet I cheated. I'm really sorry. But please, I won't waste anything anymore if you give me a second chance. I don't care if I have to go back to square one, if it means I get to gain your love and trust again, I'm willing to re-do everything. Except the cheating part of course."

You were silent for a moment, eyes not meeting his and that action alone made him nervous to the core.

"...Promise me you won't do it again. Because if you do, I'll shoot you." You glare at him.

Chishiya can only sigh in relief before pulling you in a tight hug as he buries his face on your neck.

"Thank you," He whispered. "I love you so much."


The boy can only chuckle, "I'll be the best boyfriend ever."

You better be.

And to be honest, hearing him say those three words gave you warmth and brought that fuzzy feeling back once again.

You missed him. So much.


"Our story wasn't always full of happiness, we've been through a lot together. We shared fights, laughs, tears and smiles, but to be honest, I'm glad I shared it with you. Weird, right? And at the end of the day, I find myself longing for your love. I find myself longing for your presence. But I'm scared too you know. You're just so perfect, and I'm I'm just Chishiya Shuntaro that fell in love with you. But I'm very thankful to have someone like you in my life, to have someone like you who never gave up on me. Damn, am one lucky man..."

Your eyes glistened with tears as he inhaled a deep breath before staring deep into your soul.

He was silent for a moment but his lips were formed into a small smile.

"You're so beautiful. And the fact that you're going to be my wife...God." He released a dried laugh, biting his lip before softly caressing your hand. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Shuntaro." You managed to mutter out, preventing yourself from smiling too much.

You couldn't focus on anything anymore, all you can see now is you and him. You're so happy right now you couldn't even describe it. After all you've been through with the man named Shuntaro Chishiya, you never thought this day would come.

The day where you'll wear a white gown, bouquet of flowers in your hand, walking down the aisle while your soon-to-be-husband awaits your presence before him.

You both have been through a lot, but neither of you gave up on one another.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Chishiya grabbed your waist as he slowly lifted the veil, smiling as he saw your face.

"Well, hello there, wife."

"Pft, hey." You whispered.

A chuckle escaped his lips before it met yours, cheers came from the crowds as you both shared a passionate kiss.

As soon as he pulled away, he kissed your forehead.

"You always do that." You laughed, hugging his waist.

"I love doing it." Chishiya once again kissed your forehead before hugging you lovingly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

i uh i hope u beautiful folks liked this one >~<  congratulations to the newly wed!

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