A Few Days Later
With nothing to do, you decided to let your other self roam the town today. Gray was out on a job with Juvia, while Natsu was on one with Lucy.
You told Plume to watch over, in case 'you' did anything wrong. She agreed, and yanked off your bind. Your eyes quickly changed colors, and your lips curled into a smile. "Nice to see you again, Plume."
Plume nods in greeting.
You stroll the town with Plume, looking at shops, and stores. You bump into a shady-looking store. And without a second thought, you head in.
"Hello, young lady."
You widen your eyes in earnest. "Hey." You gracefully sit in the chair that she motions to.
"Young lady, (Y/N)..."
You grip your dagger that was hidden under your dress.
"Please be at ease."
Under your dress, your long fingers traced the design on the dagger's hilt. "In other words, stop touching your dagger." She said.
Shocked, your hand dropped to your side.
You look over to the shadows where she's sitting. You could barely make out the fringe of her dark cloak, hiding her face. She had pale hands, that looked young.
Plume flutters nervously next to you, her eyes darting back and forth. "You okay?" You whisper to her, concerned. She only nodded.
"Who are you?" You ask, your eyes narrowing. "I am, but a humble person, Milady." She sheds her cloak and steps out of the darkness.
You widen your eyes. She wasn't a she. It was Akira. You immediately turn away, and start briskly walking out the door.
"Wait, please.." He begged, his voice pleading. You clench your teeth, and turn around. "What?" You spit out, disgusted.
"I need to tell you something. It's important." He adds, his eyes begging you silently. "Absolutely not." You answered.
You rolled your eyes, coldness spread through your expression like frost. "Don't waste my time, Akira."
You immediately refused when he told you your parents demanded you back. Speaking of your parents..
You realized you never told the guild or anyone about them. Only Gramps knew. But that was because he was your old tutor.
He taught you your magic. He discovered your other half. You were indebted to him. You frown, richly. "I don't want to return to my parents."
"They wanted nothing but a heir for their fortune and riches. They didn't want a child. They only wanted a heir."
Your eye twitches, as you clench your fist in anger. Plume hovers above your hand, touching it gently. You force a smile at her.
"They want you back. They've changed!" Akira says, patient as ever. You wince bitterly. "I don't want anything to do with them."
And with that dramatic flair, you left the tent. Plume peered into your face, concerned. "(Y/N)..?" She tries to comfort you.
You felt warm at her kindness. Then quickly, you attach the bind back to your leg.
"Fwa..." You breathe a sigh, massaging your temples. "I don't think I've let her out this long before. My head hurts.."
Plume chuckles and dances in circles around you. "I'll make you some soup when we get back." She sings, still dancing.
You laugh at her little routine, while walking down the road, looking at the other stalls.
Guild Hall
By the end of the day, you missed Natsu. Badly. And he still wasn't back. Even Gray and Juvia had finished long ago.
Suddenly the doors flew open. Lucy was supporting Natsu. They were both bleeding badly. They both had fresh new wounds, while Happy limp-flew behind them.
Plume rushed to help her friend, as I ran towards Lucy and Natsu. "What happened?" Your eyes narrow, as Wendy rushes to heal them.
"Too...big enemy. We didn't realize.." Lucy trails on, cringing in pain. You quickly support Natsu, letting Lucy go recover.
"You big idiot." You frown at Natsu, your vision blurring slightly. You quickly blink back the tears.
Thankfully, they disappeared. Natsu's eyes fluttered. "(Y/N)?" You smile down at him, while Wendy starts working her magic.
You gently lay his head down on your lap. "You look like a mother, (Y/N)." Erza says, her eyes smiling kindly.
Your heart jolted with pain and you helplessly frown. You didn't want to be his mother. You didn't want that kind of relationship.
Sighing softly, you lay your hand over his new bandages. Wendy had finished, and left with a concerned look. She wished him well, and smiled at you.
Your insides were burning. Your body felt like it was a volcano, from being so close to him. Of course, you knew it looked nothing like that on the outside.
Getting rid of your incoming blushes, you coughed. Strands of your hair fell from behind your ear, creating a curtain.
"Need help bringing him back?" Erza asks, now besides you two. You smile up at her graciously. "Thanks, but it's okay."
She nods, before heading off to who knows where.
You pat Natsu's head. "Can you stand?" You whisper to him, watching his chest rise and fall.
"Yeah." He stands up, after groaning. He almost topples, but you quickly react, and sling one arm around his waist, and the other pressed against his chest.
You couldn't believe the position you were in. You could feel his abs, and his muscles. You look away. "Where do you stay?"
He murmurs, "Don't wanna go back home..."
You quickly make up your mind, and scoop up Plume and Happy, letting them rest on your shoulders. You support Natsu, as the group of you make way to your apartment.
"There." You grin satisfied, as you look at the bed of arranged pillows in-front of you. You gently set a sleeping Happy and Plume down.
You look back to the bed, where Natsu lay. "Thanks for letting us stay here." He says, looking at you with a straight face.
"Anytime you need a place, Plume and I are always available." You gently pet Plume and Happy's heads.
"Anytime?" He asks.
"Anytime." You confirm, cracking a smile. "Okay! Happy and I are your roommates for life." Natsu happily declares.
"I...okay." You were delighted with this turn-out. You flop down in the bed, surprising Natsu.
"G'nite, (Y/N)"
"Good night, Natsu."
'Wait- he was supposed to sleep on the couch.'

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.