You paled. "W-what?"
Gray watched you with cautious eyes. "Are you going to scream? If you are- warn me to cover my ears."
"I-" You stopped. "I'm sorry, I don't-"
Gray took one look at you before bursting out laughing. "Don't look so stressed out! It's not like I expected you to leave your fiancé for me."
You swat his arm.
His laughter died down. He looked at you calmly. "But about what I said before...I really did."
"If I confessed way you think I would've gotten a chance?"
You hesitated, still shocked by his sudden confession. "No. I think I was already in-love with Natsu the first time I saw him."
Gray's expression didn't change. "I thought so." He said softly, smiling. "I always thought you had a thing for him way early on."
"Really? How?"
"The way you acted, I guess. You didn't really have that one expression around anyone else."
You turned slightly pink.
After Gray sent out word that you were awake, your numbers of visitors increased.
Mirajane was the first to arrive. She fell into the room, breathing heavily from running. "I'" She panted.
Gray sighed. "See you, (Y/N)."
You watch him leave his seat. "You're not staying?" You ask him with a tilt of your head.
"Nah, I've got more things to do." Gray lifted his hand up. "Bye." You waved at him in response as he left the room.
"Thank goodness you woke up." Mira stumbled to the bed, giving you a giant hug.
She hugged you tighter. "I heard you fell out of your window. How?!" She shook you back and forth furiously.
"I-I slipped." You sheepishly give her a smile.
She whacks your head.
"You had us really worried." She said, quietly.
"H-hey, it's okay..." You said, chuckling nervously. You stopped talking when you saw her tear-filled eyes.
"W-we thought you were...going to die." She hiccuped, a tear rolling down her cheek.
"Psh, if I can't survive about a five-story fall, then I'm not fit to be a mage at all." You laughed.
She smiled at you. "You're rea-"
The door flew open, interrupting the quiet atmosphere.
You watched as a blue-haired girl flew into the room, and dived onto your bed. "(Y/N)!"
Your hands flew up in surprise. "Wendy?" You chorused together with Mirajane. Wrapping your arms around her, you hugged her tightly.
She didn't speak a word to you. She just hugged you tightly. Soon, a blue, black and two white cats walked into the room, bickering loudly.
Finally, Wendy let go. "Plume." You reached out for your female companion. She was hovering at the edge of your bed.
"Don't do-" She started to scold you, but was cut off as you grabbed her, and pulled her into a hug.
"I missed you." You whispered.
Soon, you heard a stifled whimper. And another one. And you heard crying. You lifted Plume up.

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.