13 - Accidents

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His smirk faded, and the crescent moon turned up-side down. 

You blink in surprise when he says, "I never told you why I rejected you." His voice was soft, almost inaudible.

To tell the truth, you didn't want to talk about it. 

"You see..." He continued, snapping you out of your thoughts. "I'm not capable of loving you."

You look at him, dubious. "What?" You lean in, thinking you heard wrong.

He didn't seem surprised by your response. Judging how he talked, you knew this was a hard topic for him to take on.

"Natsu...you don't have to tell me." Curiosity was bubbling inside you, but you saw the bitterness and determination in Natsu's eyes.

"It's okay. I'm okay." He repeated, his eyes trained on you. You could see your own reflection in those dark eyes.

"There was this girl when I was younger. Her name was Lisanna, and she my entire world."

You tilt your head. Never have you ever heard of an Lisanna. "Where is she now?" You asked, quietly.

"She's dead."

With a jolt, you sit up straighter. "What?" You breathe out, your eyes wide at this information. 

"She was killed."

You stayed silent, biting your lip at the news. 

Natsu looked up. "You're not going to say 'I'm sorry'?" His eyebrow is raised, but his tone was kind as his eyes looked to you.

"Am I supposed to? I can see you're doing just fine, Natsu."

He cracked a smile. "Thanks, (Y/N)." You tilt your head, accepting his thanks. "So, Natsu. Why can't you love?"

Natsu stares out the window, the sunlight illuminating his face. "I couldn't protect her. The way she screamed my name. That frightened look on her face. Red...everywhere," he murmured, closing his eyes.

He shuddered. "Since then, I've been weird. No interest in women." His eyes seemed glazed as he opened them. 


You couldn't fight the urge anymore. You placed your palms on his cheeks. "Tell me, Natsu Dragoneel, do I interest you?"

Your insides felt like they were being twisted from the nervousness you were feeling. 

He laughed slightly. "Do you. You have no idea. The different ways you laugh, the ways you smile, how you're so perky all the time...Even when you look sad. It's beautiful."

Touched, your hands slowly fell back into place at your sides. Where they belonged. You quickly swiped away the tears that were trickling down your cheeks.

"Y'know, every time I've cried, it's always because of you." You laugh, scoffing at your weak self. Your eyes were still pouring out tears, as you study Natsu.

"I'm sorry."

You laugh. "Please don't reject me a second time." You suddenly stopped. "Natsu, I really care for you. Please trust me, it's not just you."

He opened his mouth, but you kept talking. You weren't done yet.

"I'm stronger than you think!" You tightened your jaw. Sometimes, they just wouldn't understand.

You looked at him in the eye. "Please. Just give me a chance." You leaned your forehead against his, feeling his nervous energy.

"Natsu, I can tell you this much. I can tell we won't end as friends." You tried, again.

"If you insist...do take care of me, then. I won't forgive you if you leave me, early." He smirked.

Is that a yes?

He leaned in and kissed your forehead. Natsu mussed your hair, and left for the kitchen, looking for food.

'Ohh, it's definitely a yes!'

'I'm so glad...'

'I'm really so glad.'

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