This chapter is dedicated to:
You. Thank you so much, I couldn't ask for better readers.
___"Lucas?" You peered over to the child, worriedly staring into his sweat-beaded face. "He's going to be okay." Natsu squeezed your arm. "He can fight a little flu."
"I hope so." You gaze at Natsu. Pecking him on the lips, you said, "good morning."
"Hey." He held a cup of coffee in his hands.
"That smells nice." You took a sip out of his cup. "Mm, and it tastes nice too. Sweet tooth much?" You grimace when the sweet flavor invades your mouth.
Natsu flicks your forehead. "That's my coffee, sweetheart."
You pout. "Where's mine?" He points to the counter where a cup of coffee sat. "Coffee!" You bounded over to the cup. "You're my one true love." You whispered to the cup, jokingly.
Natsu perked. "Excuse me?" He leaned over you, his hand on the wall behind you.
You gulp, finding yourself staring at his muscles. "Natsu.." You breathe, looking up into his face.
He grins. "Who's your one true love?" He teasingly kisses your lips. His lips gliding over yours, barely touching.
"I mean you."
You gulp once again as he moves even closer. "Natsu, you're going to crush me. And suffocate me. Whichever you choose."
He chuckles. "I'm not going to crush you." He whispers into your ear.
"Natsu, (Y/N), please not this early in the morning!" Plume's voice interrupted the sexy atmosphere. "Dang it, Plume. You interrupted our moment!" Natsu teasingly looks up, his eyes glittering.
She rolled her eyes. "You can have your moments when we're away." Happy suddenly popped up behind her. "Natsu, what are you doing?"
Natsu suddenly pushed off the wall, and shuffled away. "Nothing, nothing."
But your fast heartbeat wouldn't settle down.
"Daddy?" A sleepy Lucas entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. "Hey buddy." Natsu immediately swept up Lucas.
"I'm Uncle Happy! And this is your aunt, Plume." Happy energetically flew around Lucas's head.
"Uncle Happy...Aunt Plume." Lucas beamed at them, his cheeks still red from the fever. "It's nice to meet you."
Happy and Plume seemed to evaporate in Lucas's aura of flowers and cuteness.
"Hey, Natsu. Do you like strawberries or apples?" You held the two fruits in your palms.
He shrugged, looking bored.
"I'm not sure we should've left Lucas with Happy and Plume.." He worriedly looked behind him, in the direction of the apartment.
You put the fruits down, and hold his hand, reassuring him. "It'll be okay. I'm sure they can babysit a 5-year old."
"So, in the meantime..apples or strawberries?"
He sighed and gave you a sideway look. You bat your eyelashes at him.
"Watermelon isn't a choice."
"I want watermelon." He stubbornly said, shaking his head.

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.