Christmas Special

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This special has nothing to do with the story. It has no affect on the plot, and you may choose to skip this chapter if you would like

"Are we going to celebrate Christmas?" You asked, casually, one day as you sat in the living room, playing with Rin. 


Your head shot up, and your eyes were wide. 

"Bwahaha, you look like a frog!" Natsu burst into laughter as he saw your expression. "Natsu!" You bit your lip, your eyes returning to their normal size. 

"You did, though," his laughing died to a chuckle. "What's Ka-ree-smas?" 

"It's Christmas." You corrected him, "and it's a holiday of which you give presents to each other, drink hot chocolate, and- and...mistletoe!" 

"Mistletoe? Hot chocolate?" Natsu's eyebrows drew together and he scrunched up his nose as he tried to process what they were. 

"'ve never heard of hot chocolate?" You asked, gasping. The toy that you held, dropped onto the floor. And Rin happily crawled over to play. 

"Well, it has chocolate in it..." Natsu mumbled. 

"It does! It does!" You said, cheerfully. "We should celebrate Christmas- c'mon, doesn't it sound like fun?" 

"I was actually talking about the whole word, but okay." Natsu raised his eyebrows. "Aw, look at Rin play. She's definitely my kid- so cute." 

You ignored that first part, and ruffled Rin's hair, making her stop her playing and stare up at you with big eyes. 

The front door opened, and Lucas walked in, with his scarf, mittens, and backpack. Surprisingly enough, the first sentence he uttered was: "Mama, Papa, are we going to celebrate Christmas?" 

You gave Natsu a smug smile. 

"We learned about it during school. It's so cool! There's a Santa that comes every night and gives the kids presents, and-" 

"Lucas, do you want to celebrate Christmas?" Natsu asked, as casually as he could. "Oh, yes, Papa!" Your child's expression was full of happiness. "Can we?" 

After seeing his expression, it seemed Natsu's mind was already made up. "Of course we're celebrating Christmas," Natsu said, as if he knew what the holiday was.

And as soon as Lucas had given you both a hug and a kiss and had skipped to his room, Natsu rushed over to you with wide eyes. "What are we gonna do?" 

"We? I didn't promise anything, it's all on you!" You said, cheerfully, patting his back. When Natsu wilted and looked up at you with a betrayed expression, you held up your hands. "Right. We."

"First'll need decorations, obviously. Don't worry about the tree, though. I contacted a friend, and she's going to bring one over." 

You turned around. And there, standing on the table with a blue exceed, was Plume. "Why do you appear so randomly? Where have you been?" You demanded. 

"That's a secret, aye!" Happy said, grinning. "Natsu, you slacker!" 

At this, his friend paled. "W-what?" When he told Happy to explain, the blue exceed merely smiled at his friend. 

"Decorations? We'll definitely get decorations! I'll show you!" Natsu cried, pointing a finger at Happy. "C'mon, (Y/N)!" 

"And you guys are going to..." You raised your eyebrows as you stared at them. "Setting up the tree, right, Happy?" 


"Lucas? We'll be out for a little while. Plume and Happy are here, okay? Make sure Rin behaves, please!" You hoisted Rin up in your arms- and only to set her down on the kitchen floor, where Happy and Plume could watch her. 

Lucas poked his head out of his room. "Okay!" He nodded. 

And that was all you heard before Natsu dragged you out of the apartment, and closing the door behind him. 

"How are you not cold?" You asked him, as you rolled down your sleeves. "It's freezing," you breathed out. 

"Really? I don't feel anything," he said, nonchalantly as he held a hand up in the air. "Really. I don't feel anything." 


"(Y/N), why are there images of fat men in red suits everywhere?" Natsu asked, as his head shifted left and right. "Do you guys worship him on Christmas?" 

"No, it's not like that." You laughed, "that's Santa Claus." 


"It's an old child's story. Santa comes on Christmas- gives all the good kids some presents, and the bad kids get coal." 

Natsu's eyes glittered. "That means I'm getting a present! Yahoo! Old man, I'll be watching for you." He crowed. 

You just tilted your head and smiled. "Now I wonder what we should get," you looked into the shop windows as you and Natsu walked down the street. 

"Oh, what's this?" Natsu asked, as he pointed at the top of a lamppost. There, mistletoe was hung. "That's mistletoe," you smiled. "Why do they put mistletoe under lamps, and- whoa, (Y/N), those people are kissing!"

You dragged his attention back to you. "There's a tradition that's linked to mistletoe. Every time you stand under mistletoe, someone has to kiss you- or something like that," you murmured, thinking. 

Suddenly, you were dragged into Natsu's strong embrace, and he placed a light kiss near the corner of your lips. "There," he said, satisfied. "Hey, (Y/N), can we hang mistletoe in the bedroom, too?" 

C h r i s t m a s      D a y 

"This one is for you, this one is for," Lucas was sorting his presents between him and his sister. 

You and Natsu sat on the couch, watching him dig his presents out from under the colorful tree. "I mean, the tree is pretty cool, right?" Plume asked, grinning. 

"It's cool, Plume!" Happy spoke up, getting a big smile from her. 

"Yeah, how did you even get this set up?" Natsu asked.

"Magic," Plume winked perfectly. 

As Lucas tore open his presents, he began to squeal from excitement. "This is- this is- what I've wanted!" 

You were surprised when tears sprang up in his eyes. "Wha- don't cry!" Natsu laughed. You held the cup of hot chocolate in your hands as you watched him. 

"You're so cute," you murmured into your cup as you took a sip. 

"But not as cute as you!" Natsu chimed. 

"I was talking about Lucas!" 

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