11 - Strangest

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You sit on the balcony with Natsu, staring up at the fireworks erupting in the sky. Amazed, you quietly gaze up. "Wow.." You mutter softly, feeling Natsu's hair as he shifts his head in your lap.

"They're beautiful." He laughs a little and smiles up at the sky.

"(Y/N)..." Natsu sits up, and turns to you, his face mere inches away. "(Y/N). You have 6 more months, (Y/N). Time is running out."


You wake up with a jolt. "Nooo.." You groan, staring up at the ceiling. Your dreams always consisted of Natsu and a reminder.

You bury your face in your clammy palms. "(Y/N)?" Natsu's soft voice tickled your ear. You raise your head, and lean away from his warm breath.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"Nah, I was planning to get up soon, anyway."

You lean toward Natsu, your eyes staring straight into his. "Natsu, listen.."

"Yes?" He yawned, and looked at you concerned. "Are you okay?" You shake your head. "To be honest, no I'm not. I need to tell you something."

He tilted his head. "You can always tell me anything."

"Natsu, I love you?"

He smiled and nodded. "I love you too!" 

Your hopes rose. "Really?!" You stopped and narrowed your eyes. "As a friend?" He nodded, beaming. "Of course!" 

"No, I meant- I love you!" You said. "As a guy."

"Cool, I love me as a guy, too." 

"Dammit, Natsu, I'm in love with you!" 

Silence fills the room, and it seems as if the temperature had risen. The only cold air came from the open window, small breezes flying in here and there.

"You.." He pointed at you, "love me?" He points at himself, his dark eyes huge with disbelief at what he was hearing.

Goosebumps rose on your arms. "I can't help myself when I'm around you. My heart goes crazy at everything you do, and I swear, you're making me go absolutely crazy." 

"When I met you, I couldn't take my eyes off you. You when you're eating, you when you're fighting. Please, will you accept my confession of love?" 

Natsu didn't speak again for a while, and he shifts his eyes to the window, just in time to catch the sight of a single leaf sinking into the room. 

The Dragon Slayer rose from the bed, picking up the leaf in silence. He closed the window with a creak. 

"I'm sorry." He looks back at you, before averting his eyes to the floor. 

You nod and smile. Your insides felt like they were burning, and your brain went into overdrive. "I understand. Thank you for listening to me." 

Natsu smiled, "even in situations like this, you're too polite, (Y/N)." His back disappeared out the door.

You curl your hands into fists, digging them into the bed sheets. 'What else could I do, you idiot? Dammit, this is really the worst.'

A single teardrop falls onto the bed sheets, and you force yourself to stare at the ceiling, blinking rapidly.

'If I could rewind time...'

'Haha, I'd probably shut myself up." 


You watched Plume walk ahead of you, hopping while her tail waved freely, pendulum-like. "To be completely honest, what did you expect?" She asked, stopping only to pick a wild flower.

Can't Help It ; NatsuWhere stories live. Discover now