R e c a p
You told Natsu it was Lucy behind everything. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned. You rushed home to the kids and Plume, where they comforted you.
You took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. You watched as the heat from your breath was visible in the cold air.
Glancing up, you looked into a pair dark blue eyes. He looked absolutely fine in the cold weather. On his face, he wore a confused expression.
"Gray." You nodded at him, moving from your spot by the large tree. "(Y/N)," he greeted in response. "What are you doing..."
He trailed off, when he realized you were shivering. Almost instantly, his hands flew to his coat. "I-I'm fine." You shook your head.
"I...I just need you to get Lucy." You shook your head. "Is Natsu or Makarov here?" Gray shook his head. "He'll be back soon. I'm not sure when, but..." He sighed. "As for him...no, he's not here."
You breathed a sigh of relief. "Can I go in?" You gestured towards Fairy Tail. Gray looked startled. "It's...your home as much as mine."
"Was," you corrected. Before he could say anything else, you grabbed him by the collar and brought him closer to you.
Without hesitation, you kissed him fully on the lips. Only a few seconds later, you pulled away. "You're my best friend."
Shocked, he could only helplessly spread out his hands, before heading to the door and opening it for you.
As you walked inside, the warmness hit you like a frying pan. But as your heels clicked against the hard floors, the guild gradually quieted.
Approaching the blond who was the last to quiet down, she studied you as you closed the distance between the two of you.
"(Y/N)." She acknowledged with a small nod of her head. Without hearing another word from her, you raised your hand.
Tilted your palm, and smacked her right on the cheek. The force was so strong, your hand immediately felt hot afterwards.
Lucy staggered back, a surprised look on her face. "I've had...enough of your lies." You bit your lip, aware of everyone staring at you.
She didn't cover her red mark, but she gingerly touched it. "Oh..." She winced from the sharp pain. "Ow- what do you mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean." You almost lunged for her, when a strong arm held you back. "Ugh...you're strong..." A voice whispered in your ear.
Whipping around, you found yourself nose-to-nose with Gray. "I'm finally doing something right." You hissed.
"What is that?"
"I'm standing up for myself like I should have- yesterday."
Turning away from Gray's agape expression, you faced Lucy. She almost sneered, but caught herself just in time. Feigning a hurt expression you were too well acquainted to, she gave a small gasp.
"I've done nothing wrong...you're the one who-"
You cut her off with a snap. "Oh, Lucy. How many times have I heard that stupid response?" You tilted your head, counting your fingers.
"Oh yeah. Too many." You curled your long fingers into a fist. "Just leave me and my family alone." You hissed.
She looked around nervously, aware of the murmurs that were going around. "(Y/N), I...I don't know what you're talking about."
Eyes widening, you laughed. "I'm goddamn sure you don't. I suppose you're too busy trying to woo my husband to notice."
She scowled now, profusely embarrassed by this. "I was not wooing your husband!" She shouted, surprising the guild.
"When attacking him doesn't work, you go to your next target! Me! Why? Because your jealous. Lucy Heartfilia, you have been torturing me!"
"Catfight." You heard a murmur.
Erza had left with Makarov- so there was no one to break up the fight.
Accidentally, a purple flame sparked onto your hand.
Lucy's eyes narrowed. "Is that where this is going?"
She held out a golden key- but before she could mutter anything, you blasted her backwards.
Just then, the doors flew open. "(Y/N)!" An angry voice shouted.
Turning your head, you instantly had an expression full of shock. "Makarov!?"
"I expected you to be like when you were little." He angrily said, while trying to help Lucy up. "I overestimated you."
You spread out your hands. "Please, I-"
"She didn't do anything."
Your mouth clamped shut. You took a step backwards, turning to Gray. "She didn't do anything," he repeated.
Around him, a few heads nodded in agreement.
The old guild master took a deep sigh, and steadied his shaking hands. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions."
He gave you and Lucy a hard look. "What happened?"
You fell silent, giving Lucy a sideway glance.
She was standing up- her hand secretly tucking her key away.
"I attacked her." You admitted, calmly. Makarov stayed quiet, willing you to go on.
"But she has been attacking me for much longer."
His eyebrow raised and he opened an eye.
"Because of jealousy and rage."
___End Of Chapter___
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I think...
Recap is good yes? :3

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.