A Day Full Of Tears and Grins

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One Week Later...

You woke up with a groggy vision, and felt the sheets next to you for Natsu. Your hand didn't find your partner, but instead...


You stared at him, his soft brown hair hiding his long eyelashes.

Your heart cried for Natsu. 'I miss his hugs, his mischief, and it hasn't even been two weeks yet."

'How am I going to survive?'

"Natsu..." You rolled over, forgetting you were on the edge- and fell off the bed.


You stumbled off to wash up.


You opened the door, and went to retrieve your mail. Taking the stairs to the first floor, you unlocked your mail box.

'A letter?'

You saw a beige-colored envelop in the box, along with newspaper. Excitement coursed through you.

Running back up the stairs and into your apartment, you tore open the letter, and threw the paper on the table.

A single parchment fell out and fluttered to the floor.

You leaned down to pick it up, and scanned it quickly. 'Oh?'

'Mother and Father are dead?'

You weren't sure how to feel.

Happy? Sad? Disappointed? Miserable?

Different emotions coursed through your body. They might've been cruel, but they allowed you into this world.

You grimace, clenching your hand into a fist. The letter invited you to the manor, to speak about the will.

You decided to take your mind off it, by reading the news. But in big bold letters, the heading was:

Aristocratic Family Dead?

You bitterly read the description, which said:

Powerful family found dead in mansion- wizards are investigating for more clues.

You didn't dare to read on. "So they're gone, huh?" You mutter, looking out the window.

'I thought that girl I saw- when I was drowning- I thought that was Mother. But I can't ask her now.'

A strange calmness settled over you. 'But..it doesn't really impact me. They weren't a big part of my life.'

'Do I really want a fortune? Do I want to earn something I don't deserve?'

You sigh, tossing the paper down to find Plume. Maybe she had something to say.

You walked away, not noticing the papers had fallen apart, revealing part of a half hidden article reading: Fairy Tail Wi-

"Plume?" You call out, quietly. She was no where to be found. "Plume." You called out, a bit louder.

You heard a slight tapping at the balcony door. "What is it?" She asks, as you open the door, stepping outside.

"So. Mother and Father passed away." You replied bluntly, earning a look of surprise from her.

"W-What?" She stammered for the first time.

"What should I do?"

"I don't know! I don't know myself. I...Excuse me, I need some time alone." She flew off, slightly wobbling.


'I hope she's okay...'

"I want to see Natsu." You suddenly said, as a wave of loneliness hit you. "I want..."

You raised your head, running back inside, forming today's plan in your mind. You quickly scrawled out a note to Plume saying you were at the manor.

Rushing into the bedroom, you woke up Lucas, who tiredly sat up, but didn't whine.

"Mommy?" He asked, as he brushed his teeth. "Are we going to see Daddy?" He asked, running back to the bathroom with his short legs.

You heard the water run. "Oh, Lucas.." You mutter, grabbing a small baggie, and filling it up with a slice of banana bread, and some chopped up fruit.

As you were filling up his cup with milk, he appeared in the kitchen, rubbing his golden eyes.

"Where are we goin'?" He slurred, seeming half-asleep. "C'mon, angel. We're going to visit a big house."

You set his breakfast down in a small tote bag, and rushed out the door, Lucas holding your hand.


"Mama, are we done yet?" Lucas asked, eating his banana bread, and drinking his milk. He sat up on the tall chair.

"Mm, soon." You said, distractedly.

You heard a cough, causing you to turn and face the woman. "Yes, sorry." You apologized.

"About the will. Here, it says: 1/3 of our fortune goes to (Y/N)." She said, pushing her glasses up.

"Do you accept this?" She asked you.

'Do I? What's acceptation? Is it when you take something because you want it- or because someone gave it to you?'


You look over at Lucas, who was eating his bread, his eyes happily closed.

"I don't accept."

The lady froze, and looked surprise. "Is that alright?" You sweetly ask, shaking her out of her daze.

She nods immediately. "Of course, of course!"

"Then...I'll have to assign and bring it..." She mumbled, as she stumbled over her own words.

"Thank you." You stood up.

'Yes, thanks for wasting an hour.'

"Oh, yes." She replied, standing up and shook your hand. "Thank you very much."

And without another word, you took Lucas's small hand, and led him out of the nightmare manor.

He didn't say a word until you both had boarded the train. "Mama?" He asked, standing up and putting his hands on your knees.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worriedly. his long eyelashes fluttered from under his brown bangs.

You didn't answer, a sob was caught in your throat. You covered your face. "Mama, don't cry. Daddy'll kill me!" Luca protested, using his hands to remove yours.

You felt a smile aching to appear. "Natsu...Daddy said that?"

Lucas nodded. "Before you left! Daddy said he would....so don't cry." His warm hands covered your cheeks.

You wipe away the tears as best as you could. "Thanks, Lucas." You smiled at him.

Lucas was asleep.

Plume was asleep.

Silence filled the air.

The house seemed asleep.

You unfold a tiny white paper you found on the bedroom drawer.

Your heart jumped when you read the messy wrongly spelled words:

I knew u wood be lonely...so I wrote messassges to cheer you up. Just think- we can eat normal brekfast when I come back!

You face cracked a smile at his spelling errors.

"I never knew how bad you were with grammar, Natsu."

Okay I lied. This didn't contain much action either. You might not mind, but I'm here like: AWGHDHS


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