"I..." You spoke up hesitantly.
"It's- gone." With a broken voice and a shattered look, you stared at him in despair. "It's gone..." You repeated yourself, almost as if you had just learned of the fact.
Nearby, Natsu fumed. "...but he's out of town. And if he's out of town, then..." A horrible look came over his face.
"Who was it?"
Now this was the decision you had to make. Tell Natsu the truth? Or risk being continuously tormented by Lucy if you told the truth?
The answer to this was almost too easy.
The moment that name left your lips, a cold breeze blew past you and Natsu. A dark look came over his face.
"Lu...cy?" The name of his favorite partner and friend left his lips. "(Y/N), are you sure?"
You couldn't help the feeling of annoyance that came over you. "Natsu, she erased my guild mark, she kidnapped your son- I'm pretty goddamn sure!"
He paused, disbelief on his face. "She kidnapped Lucas?" He almost started laughing. "(Y/N)..." He started.
You held up a hand. "Oh wait. Don't go on. You don't believe me, do you?"
Natsu shook his head. "I know Lucy. She wouldn't do that- she would never kidnap a child." He pulled a face. "Is this a prank?"
Rage boiled inside of you. The fact that your own husband did not believe you made you furious. "You know what," you hissed.
"I don't need you to believe me." Tears clashed against your words. "I- I don't need anyone to believe me!"
He paused. "Wait, (Y/N)...! You're not actually serious, are you?" His arm shot out, and grabbed yours. "I'm not saying I don't believe you-"
"Oh, but yes you are." You grit your teeth.
"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)." He hurriedly called your name. "Calm down, we can figure something out." You frowned at this.
"Natsu- why don't you believe me?" You studied his face, which was twisted in a complicated expression.
He seemed at lost for words. "(Y/N)...I honestly...I want to believe you. Really, I do. But you've been through so much. Are you sure you aren't just," he hesitated, "making up things?"
You could almost just whack his head. "Natsu! I'm being serious, here. I'm not making anything up. I'm serious! She erased my guild mark. Why don't you ask everyone?"
Natsu frowned. "But she was crying...when I got there."
Your hands balled into fists. "There's acting. And there's deceiving."
Nasty shook his head. "There's no way..." A clouded expression was not one that you had been expecting.
"Really?" You said, completely fuming.
"You're telling me my very best and dearest friend tried to kidnap my son and hurt my wife, (Y/N)!"
"Is there proof?" He asked. You stood, speechless. "Natsu!" He helplessly spread out his hands. "I can't...I-Lucy..."
With a storming attitude, you spun on your heel, and left him to stutter.
Slamming open the door, you were instantly met three pairs of large eyes. "(Y/N)." Plume's steady eyes looked up.
Immediately, they softened. "What happened?" She stopped what she was doing, and left Rin and Lucas's side.
"(Y/N)...what happened?" She caressed your cheek. Her gentle touch was almost enough to make you break down and cry.
"Mama?" Lucas's worried eyes peered from behind Plume. "Mama- what's wrong?" A frown set upon his lips.
Rin was still happily cooing at her stuffed animal. She was far too busy to notice what was happening around her.
She tilted her head, an expression you had never seen before graced her features.
"Plume." You whimpered, slightly- feeling like a child once again. Before she could move to give you a hug, however- the small child rushed from behind her and immediately attached himself to your leg.
"Ma...ma?" He raised his head, big eyes stared up at you. You ruffled his chocolate-brown hair and kissed the top of his forehead.
"Oh, Lucas." You sighed. He said nothing, but clung tight to your leg, whimpering slightly. Nearby, Rin dropped her stuffed animal and studied you, confusedly.
"You don't need them, (Y/N)." Plume tried her best to comfort you. "You...don't need them when you've got us." She offered a little look.
Lucas finally reached upwards. "Mama..." Reaching downwards, you grasped one of his hands. "What is it, Lucas?"
He hid his face. "Are you okay?" His muffled voice asked. "You look a little...different...?" You moved away, and he looked downwards.
"You...you can always come to me for anything, mama." He confided, and ran away quickly into the kitchen.
Plume sighed. "Judging from the look on your face, I'm guessing Natsu didn't take it well?" You shifted on your feet.
"It wasn't like that...he just didn't..."
Plume craned her neck.
"He just didn't..." You tried again.
She gave you a confused look.
"...believe me."

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.