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After meeting up with Plume again for a drink, she flew off yet again. Now, you had a whole free day on your hands.
With Natsu at home with the kids, you finally had some quiet time. Somewhere you could talk, be carefree and never have to care whether you changed the diaper or not.
Somewhere relaxing...
Someplace that felt like home.
You stood before Fairy Tail, a twisting feeling in your gut. 'Something tells me I'm going to be surprised today,' you mused as you walked right inside.
Eyebrow raised, you approached a large group huddling in the middle of the room. "Hey, guys...what's-"
The crowd split, making way for you. Almost immediately, you took a step back. "L-lucy, what is it?" She hunched over, a terrible hurt-stricken look on her face.
"You poisoned my drink!" She accused, clutching and clawing at her throat. Your eyes narrowed at this. "Excuse me?"
The crowd silently watched on as she glared at you silently. "I've had enough of you tormenting me..." She started, slowly.
You watched her stagger up. "Now the whole guild will know of what you've done! You...you witch!"
Dumbfounded, you took another step back- crashing directly into someone. Turning around wildly, you faced Gray and Juvia.
They both wore worried and doubtful expressions. "W-wait, Juvia...G-gray!" They instantly drew back from your outreaching hand.
Whipping around at the sound of Lucy's strained voice, you stared up at her. "All these months...of you torturing me...insulting me..." A tear rolled down her eyes.
Almost instantly, Levy reached outwards to support her friend.
"We still don't know of her background...Natsu found her from nowhere...she's already married and has kids...doesn't this all seem strange to you?!"
With a dry throat and a helpless expression, you were so shocked you couldn't even talk. Much less, protest to whatever she was throwing at you.
With a quiet voice, the crowd paid you no attention. They whispered among themselves, considering your 'situation.'
"Wait, you can't be serious!"
A loud voice rang out from behind. With a pasty white face, you turned around to look. Gray stood bravely speaking above all the whispers.
"(Y/N) has done nothing wrong. She wasn't there to poison your drink, Lucy."
Lucy's eyes widened. "G-gray...you're defending her?"
He looked uncertain. "I don't know what I'm doing...but it's unfair and unjust to jump to conclusions. Are you sure the drink is poison? Did anyone make sure?"
Shakes of the head were repeated through the crowd. "Gray-sama..." Juvia's hand tightly wrapped around his.
"We're all family aren't we?" Gray asked, bravely. "You're really going to question a family member's existence when she's been here all these years?"
Everyone began to agree with Gray, whispering among themselves.
"(Y/N)..." You saw Mira her hand to her chest, muttering incoherent words.
Looking straight at Lucy, you actually felt fear. "Her mother killed people. Her father is torturous! Who knows what she will do?" She raised her voice, a finger pointing straight at you.
When she had muttered the word 'killed' and 'torturous', everyone seemed to have doubts clouding over themselves again.
"Who knows how she's manipulated Natsu and her kids?! Did anyone actually see her friend, Lizabeth die? What if she killed her, herself! To gain advantage and then get rid of a certain obstacle!"
Your blood boiled when she mentioned Lizabeth. "I didn't hurt Lizabeth!" You spoke up, hesitantly. Then, when no one was looking, she gave you a small and sly smile.
"I say...kick her out of Fairy Tail!"
"Kick! Kick! Kick!" The crowd began chanting- aside from a few people that seemed a bit hesitant. 'Oh, Makarov, please come back to town, soon!'
You were ushered out by the large group, Lucy at it's head. "W-wait..." You croaked. With a dark little grin hidden behind her teary expression, she shook her head.
"Goodbye, (Y/N)."
With horror, you felt a flaming sensation on your skin. Right on your face. On your cheek, where your mark had been.
Lucy gave you one last look before the doors shut behind her.
Feeling like a broken and discarded doll, you couldn't help but reach upwards and touch the mark that had been on your cheek for so long.
People you could finally call 'family'...had been stolen away. The privilege to have a family was gone.
Feeling ashamed and stupid, you debated on whether to return home or not. You took a step away from Fairy Tail, when the sound of the doors opening made you stiffen.
You relaxed when you felt a gentle touch on your shoulder. You rested your face on his warm hand. "Gray..."
He turned you around. There was a certain look in his eyes that you just could not describe. With his bright eyes, it felt like he was staring at your soul.
"I know you didn't do anyt-." He started, clearing his throat. "Enough," you interrupted, softly. A tear threatened to spill.
"That's enough already..." You sniffed.
"It doesn't make sense, (Y/N)." He gripped your arms tightly. "It'll be okay. When he-"
"When Makarov comes back?" You questioned, attempting to wipe away your tears. "Even if he does, nothing will change."
You looked at him. Something swelled inside your heart. "My name has been dirtied." Shaking your head, you said, "there's nothing for me here, now."
"But you love magic!"
"Has anyone ever told you...that if you truly love something, you would let it go?"
Without another second, Gray wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tightly. "No...you're the first one to tell me that."
He whispered in your ear, the warm breath tickled your neck, slightly. "But I can't let you go. And it doesn't make sense."
You raised your head. "I mean- why would you let someone go if you loved them so much?" He asked, breathlessly.
"I said...someth...ing," your voice slowly died down as his face neared yours. The world seemed to slow down, as if everything was in slow motion.
Gently, softly, slowly, his lips set on yours. Only a few seconds later, he pulled away, his face still just spaces away from yours.
His hand touched your cheek, tracing where your mark would've been. "Why can't you see?" He asked, softly.
You pulled away from him, your hand clapped over your mouth. "You're...too late." You quietly said, before running away, tears in your eyes and a burning sensation on your warm lips.

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.