Uwa I never thought this would happen but we reached 3k 6/1/15. I feel like I have upgraded or something lol. ARIGATO EVERYONE!
By the way there will be a tiiiiiny amount of lime in this chapter :3
•prepare your bodies
"Hey..." Natsu whispers in your ear. You twist around to look at him. You were both at your honeymoon.
He playfully kissed your lips, fully catching you with surprise. "Hey!" You stumble back, your face red.
"What?" His arm shoots out, and he grabs you and tugs you to him. Then, he scoops you up in his arms. "It's our honeymoon." He said softly.
It was so hot today- Natsu already had his shirt off.
"Yeah and?" You ask, teasingly. Your eye wanders out the window. You were both in Hargeon Town.
One of Fiore's ports and one of the most beautiful old towns.
"And you know what happens on honeymoons." He said, his eyes searching yours.
You fought the urge to look away bashfully. "No I don't know."
He smirks, and carries you into the bedroom.
'Ah...of course I know.'
He sets you on the bed, and crawls over you. "How about I teach you?" He grinned.
You softly smiled up at him, your eyes shining at him. "Would you?" You tease, watching him.
He buries his face in your hair suddenly. "I can't beat you." He mutters.
You felt his warm breath on your shoulder, causing you to shiver. "R-right."
Natsu looks back into your face. His pretty eyes stared you down, paralyzing you.
"Kiss me, you fool." You lean forward, catching his lips with yours.
You could feel him smiling against your lips. "I was waiting for that." He smirks, as you pushed him away for air.
"You bully." You laugh as his lips hover over your neck, barely touching your soft skin.
"I'll never stop teasing." He whispered, his lips still hovering over your skin. You could feel his warm breath.
"You idiot." You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a sweet, sweet embrace.
"You...!" Your eyes widen as you spot the red hickey on your neck.
"Yeah?" He rounds the corner, and looks at you confusedly. "What is it?"
"First of all- put on some pants!"
He disappears back into the bedroom.
You wait patiently for him to reappear. He did, after a short while. "What is it?" He whispers huskily as he nears you.
"No. No." You push him away gently, fighting a laugh. You show him your neck, to which he grins proudly.
"It's so neat, right?" He asks with pride. You kiss him on the lips. "No. Shame on you. Everyone can see!"
He took a step back and studied you. "I don't want anyone to see your pretty neck."
You couldn't. A grin appeared on your face. "You sound like a vampire." Natsu grins evilly. "I vant to suck your blood!" His fingers brushed your neck.
"Not in the morning." You warned Natsu, to which his shoulders sagged down. "Fine." He sulkily said.
You laugh. "Oh, c'mon." You take his warm hand and lead him out the door. "Let's go have fun instead!"
"But the other option is fun too!" He complained, as you dragged him away.
"Men..." You muttered. Natsu smiled, and pecked your cheek. "At least I'm not throwing a hissy fit."
"This conversation ends now." Your laugh echoed down the hotel hallway as the elevator doors closed.
Natsu walks by your side, his fingers intertwined with yours. Whenever he got excited, he tended to squeeze your fingers.
And now, he was doing exactly that. "What is it?" You ask, watching your excited husband.
He tugged you forwards. "Look!" He eagerly pressed his face against the glass window of a pet store.
'This feels like déjà vu...'
"I know we can't get one now..." Natsu said slowly, turning to face you. His bright smile made your heart skip a beat.
"But promise me that we can get one in the future!" He insisted. You smile at his childish behavior.
'You're just like Lucas.'
"Okay, okay. Promise." You agreed. Natsu kissed your cheek. "Hold on. Seriously?" He studied your face.
You shrugged. "They are pretty cute." You said, sneaking another look at the adorable little puppies.
Natsu pumped his fist in the air. "Yes!"
The rest of the day was spent fishing at the docks.
'Words can't describe how irritated I feel.' You thought as you stared at Natsu's full bucket of fish- compared to yours- which was barely even full.
"Got one!" Natsu said, happily as he reeled in his line. You saw him eye the fish out of the corner of your eye.
Then, you heard a splash.
"How many have you caught?" You asked, disbelief in your voice. "About thirteen." He answers.
You turn to look a him. "Wasn't it thirteen last time?"
"Look in your bucket."
When you looked down, your heart melted when you saw Natsu's recent fish. "You cutie." You grinned.
He scratched his neck as his cheeks were tainted pink. "O-only because I felt bad." He said.
"Hey- I can catch fish too, y'know." You said, reeling in your line. Only to discover...a worm-less hook.
You ate your strawberries happily while reading the Sorcerer's Magazine on the couch.
"Lazy butt." Natsu said, his voice drifting from the bedroom. "No. We're not doing it everyday." You replied, not looking up from the magazine.
"Hey! Did you know that Mira beat Jenny in another-"
"Don't be a party pooper."
"Oh I'm not a party pooper- I am the party." You replied smoothly.
Natsu sighed. "Let's go to sleep." You set down your magazines, and headed for the bedroom- having already brushed your teeth.
He smirked at you from the bed. "Come to me baby." He said mockingly. You flopped onto the bed.
"W-what?" You hear Natsu's squeak of surprise. You had him straddled under your legs.
"What's wrong?" You ask innocently, looking down at him in the dark. You could make out his features.
You gently press your forehead against his, and you watched his eyes flicker as they stared up at you.
"Okay, goodnight." You rolled off him, only to hear Natsu's groan. "I should've known you would do that." He said.
His fingertips brushed your hair aside as he kissed your lips tenderly. "Goodnight."

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.