R e c a p
When Rin had chanted the words, Levy mentioned that it was just like in her dream. After sitting down and having a serious talk, it was decided that Erza- the gift giver of the katana- was to lead the girls to the creator.
But the creator told them that he wasn't the one who had made the sword- it was given to him by someone that was currently staying with them.
The door creaks open, but only to reveal...
Levy abruptly got up, and fled from the room. "Levy, wait-!" Erza also got up, and ran after her. "We'll be back soon." She said, giving you a firm nod.
You weakly gave her a thumbs-up. Turning to the figure standing in the doorway, you took a deep breath.
Because standing there- was no one other than Lucy Heartfilia. A cold look from her pierced through you. "What are you doing here?"
You scoffed, trying to gain confidence. "After giving my daughter that....you're still going with that attitude?" You slammed your hand to the wall, earning a yelp from the shop owner. His wife had disappeared.
Lucy's eyes flashed. She held on tightly to your wrist, and dragged you outside. The rural surroundings seemed to stretch on forever.
After she ran for a few minutes, your wrist began to hurt. Finally, Lucy stopped. She let go, and took a few steps back.
"I swear. If you hurt these people-" She said, breathing heavily.
"Shut up!" You yelled, giving her a glare. With that, she drew back- startled. "Where did you get that sword?"
"Only you know that."
"Do you even know what power it possesses?!" You pursed your lips. "Tell me- Lucy. Goddamn. Heartfilia." You spit her name out. "Who are you working with?"
Her smile widened- the coldness of it all sent chills down your back. "The person that knows the most about your family, of course."
"You're working with my mom?" You asked, your voice barely a whisper. The atmosphere changed dramatically.
Lucy dropped your gaze, and looked around at the trees nearby. "Your mom..." She gave herself a knowing smirk. "She's a smart lady."
"She'll kill you the moment you disobey her." Your voice was hoarse. "What is she even aiming for?" Lucy shrugged. "She's established her rules. She's greedy, y'know? Only your mom would want something as ridiculous as world domination."
You froze.
Lucy spread her arms, a strange look on her face. "She's absolutely nothing like you! She's so ambitious. Alice- your mother- she's a strange lady."
"She has secret motives." You said, biting your lip. "Lucy, siding with my mother is low." You tilted your head.
There was a glint in her eye as she looked at you. "Maybe, but it was my last resort. But I like how your mother thinks."
"Lucy, just don't do anything with my mother. You have no idea what she's capable of. She'll probably kill you after all this is over...!"
"Shouldn't you sound happy?" She asked, calmly. "After all...you really hate me after all I've done, right?
A silent moment passed, before Lucy spoke again. "You're idiotic. Alice won't kill me."
"That's what they all say," you murmured. "You both make me sick. That's something you guys have in common. Making Rin help you take over the world is disgusting."
Lucy only sighed. "It's surprising how she found a way to harness the power that Rin has been given, though. It's not disgusting. It's smart."
"Aside from all that- what else are you planning?"
"I'm not just going to tell you..." Lucy grinned. "Dummy," she sang. She took a glance at the building with she had dragged you out of.
"Are those people special to you?"
When she noticed you staring, her expression turned hard. "What are you saying?"
You could feel your fingertips turning cold. "Aren't you thinking about what'll happen to them once your plan starts evolving?"
Lucy's eyes gleamed in the brightness of the sunlight. "Actually, they are guaranteed a safe place when it all happens. Anyone who matters has been given a notice ahead of time."
"Let me guess- the servants all got one? My mother's 'friends'?"
"Bingo! All her important tools have been given one."
"You're starting to sound like my mother."
"Speaking of your mother-" She glanced at her watch. "I think the plan is starting, about now." She tilted her head and looked at you, her brown eyes daunting.
"Sorry, but it seems like I can't allow you to leave this place." She grinned. "It seems I'll have to stall you for the time being."
"Gate of the Giant Crab, I open thee! Cancer!"
A pair of red scissors flew out from the bright golden light. Flying right at you, you were shocked when a hand reached out and grabbed them right before they stabbed you in the face.
A crab- no a man with crab legs attached to his back appeared before you. He wore a blue shirt with stripes, and dark trousers.
His glasses flashed in the sunlight as he peered out at you. He gave a scoff, before yelling his name. "Who might you be...ebi?"
You tilted your head. 'Shrimp?'
"Cancer, I just need you to stall a bit for me, please!"
He turned to her, and his glasses flashed again. "Yes- of course...ebi!"
"Purpura Ignis." The flames on your hand quietly flickered. "What a horrible hairstyle! But don't worry. I'll shape it up for you-ebi!" He chirped.
The scissors in his hands opened and closed. "I wonder where I should start-ebi." He zipped around you.
___End of Chapter___
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Q for Gray: Do you hate Natsu like Lucy hates (Y/N)? (Because Natsu is married to (Y/N))
Gray smiles at this question, and rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "Lucy...she's different than me. I don't want to get him back," Gray hesitated.
"Besides," he managed to sound upbeat. "Flame brain beat me to it. If only I had met her that day..." He trailed off, his chin resting on his palm.

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.