Will you cry during this chapter?
R e c a p
Even after Lucy had admitted to her actions, there were still conflicts. One being your rocky relationship with Natsu.
Gray now knows Natsu didn't believe you. But what will he do now that he knows?
You definitely had mixed feelings about this. "Come on, (Y/N)." Gray offered his hand. "I could do so much for you."
His gaze was so sincere, it hurt to look straight at him. So you averted your eyes to the ground where you sat.
Behind you, you could still hear Lucy and Levy talking. Levy- in a foreign low voice. She sounded angry with her best friend.
"I would never hurt you," he whispered painfully. You let your eyes roam around the room. Big mistake. You caught Juvia's eye- a betrayed expression appeared on her face.
"I know you wouldn't..." You trailed off. "Why me...?"
"Exactly! Why you?!" He grabbed hold of your hand and dragged you out of the guild to avoid making a scene.
In a dark alley, he repeated. "Why you...?" He raised his head. Your next breath was caught in your throat as you saw a sparkling tear in his eye.
You felt like someone had just shot an arrow to your stomach- the twisted feeling only worsened when you saw it threatening to spill.
"The first time I saw you in that room- when my eyes fell on you. I couldn't breathe." He choked on his words, leaving you stunned.
"When you laughed...I knew it was my favorite sound in the whole world."
"No matter how much I crave you...the only thing I can't have is you." He laughed at himself, whiping his eyes. "Man, this world is cruel."
You couldn't say anything. "Hey...who knew you could be such a romantic," you croaked- trying to lighten the mood.
Gray seemed amused. "Definitely not me. When did I become this uncool?" He laughed, seeming like a carefree child.
Suddenly, the air around him changed to a whole another mood.
"I've told myself already. That I need to stop loving you- because there's already someone in your heart." He smiled and stretched. The tear he had was long gone.
"Come on, let's go back." He laughed as if nothing was wrong. But everything was so very wrong. "Gray." Your hand shot out and you grabbed him by the arm.
"Why do you look like that, (Y/N)?" He smiled. "Don't make that face, okay?"
A pang struck you. "I should be asking that!" Your hand dropped back to your side. "Why do you look like that?"
He shook his head. "Like what?"
"Why are you acting like everything is fine?"
Gray didn't respond. His smile stayed plastered on his face. "What do you mean?"
"It doesn't matter anymore." He had a calm look on his face as he lifted his chin. "Because you'd never choose me."
"Not when Natsu is there."
Now you were the one that felt like bursting into tears. This wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to fall in love.
"Not supposed to..." He trailed off, smiling. "Your expression gives away everything." Your jaw tightened as you stared at him.
Gray had the most painful look on his face. As if he was being stabbed over and over again. "I don't really know why I'm still hoping for you."
His dark eyes stared at you- filled with longing. "I love you, (Y/N). And when that time comes that I finally learn to give up..."
"Well, we'll see." He got up and smiled.
As he left, you heard him speaking to Wendy. "G-gray-san?! What's wrong?" He responded quietly. "Nothing, nothing. I just had a hopeless, silly crush on someone I have no chance with."
You heard his footsteps disappear back inside. Wendy turned to you- in the dark alley. "(Y/N), are you okay?"
Pulling the cloak's hood on, you took a step backwards into the shadows. "I'm fine, Wendy." You felt a strange relaxation that she couldn't see your face.
"Okay...I'll see you back inside, (Y/N)-san."
She left.
Your hands reached upwards to rub away the tears that had been dripping.
___End of Chapter___
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I got my iPod up and running again! That's why I have this chappy out. Thank you so much for the encouragement everyone! <3
Did you shed beautiful salty tears?
Man I'm really in a weird mood. I'm craving for cookies! Wait, no. I crave cookies everyday.
Q for Lucas and Natsu: If Lucas grew up today, Lucas what would you do and Natsu, how would you react?
Natsu hovered nearby his precious child, holding his hand. "If I grew up today..." Lucas considered, thinking. Soon, his face lit up.
"I'd run for president!"
Natsu almost fainted. "W-what?! That job is very tiring, you know! Why don't you just laze around with Papa?" He whined. "You can be my fetcher boy!"
Lucas gave him a long stare. "Fetcher...boy?"
Natsu nodded, energetically. "You know- get me stuff when I ask! Besides why would you want to run for president?"
"I want to make ice cream free."
He paused, "mama! Papa is being weird again!"
"Wai- don't-!"

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.