I'm excited!! Look at all those chapters stacking up!
You leaned against the cold tombstone. You were alone- sitting next to two tombstones that sat side by side. One for Shigure...
And one for Liz.
You gingerly touched the writing engraved on her tombstone. To the best. The one and only pirate queen
'It's been fun...you said. You thanked me for being part of your journey...but it's really me who's thankful.'
You didn't cry. You had already spent hours moping around the apartment and Fairy Tail. Hours were spent crying your eyes out.
Fairy Tail was still recovering from Nova's attack. But after their guild master had passed away...you learned that the guild had dissolved. Everything was settling into peace once again.
Lucas didn't understand. He didn't know why Auntie stopped visiting. He didn't know where she went.
But he understood loneliness. He had made cards. Tons of cards. All with either the phrase 'I miss you.' or 'When are you coming back?'
He knew you delivered the cards daily to Auntie. But he never knew that you would visit her grave, and set the cards down. After reading them to Liz- of course.
Natsu understood. The painful expression he wore was clear whenever something or someone reminded him of Liz. Seeing you this way...well it only added to his grief.
But then...
Then you realized something. Lizabeth would never want you to be sad. She would never want you to cry.
But that's what you were doing. The day you realized this...gradually, the pain began to numb.
It took weeks for it to fully disappear. The pain disappeared from Fairy Tail. It disappeared from Natsu. And it disappeared from you.
But Lucas never stopped writing his letters.
You stretched in bed, your body aching as you did so. You looked next to you. Natsu lay, sleeping peacefully.
Or so he seemed to be.
"It's not polite to stare..." He sat up, and rubbed his eyes. "How early is it?" He squinted.
You grinned at his sleepy face. "Not early. C'mon- get out of bed. Aren't we going to go see this surprise you prepared but refused to show me until today?"
Natsu's eyes widened as he remembered his promise. "Oh yeah! Come on, come on!" He urged you, dragging you up from the bed.
You laughed with him as he joked around in the bathroom. You rolled your eyes when he used his silly pick-up lines.
"So Mrs. Dragneel." He started as you headed into the kitchen. He was trailing behind you. "What's for breakfast?" He asked, whispering in your ear.
You swat him away with a laugh. "We woke up too late. How about some brunch?" You ask, already finding Plume, Happy and Lucas up.
"Brunch?" Lucas looked up at you with large eyes. "What's a brunch, mama?" You bit your lip at his cuteness. Natsu hoisted Lucas up onto his shoulders again.
Lucas squealed with delight. "Brunch is...breakfast and lunch. Just squished up together!" Natsu said, looking up at Lucas.
Lucas's mouth dropped. "We can eat breakfast and lunch?!" He excitedly cried. "So we can eat...spaghetti and cereal together!"
Plume crinkled her nose, but a stifled laughter came out. Happy cheered. "Aye, sir!"
Natsu's hand sneakily intertwined with yours. He gave your hand a quick squeeze.
Plume dragged Happy away. "C'mon. Let's go." She said. "Huh? Why? We haven't eaten yeeeeetttt." Happy's voice rang out as he was dragged away by Plume.
You looked at Natsu warningly. Lucas was sitting in the booth on your side while Natsu sat on the other side.
"What?" He innocently asked.
"Just don't eat so fast." You laughed, "you'll end up getting a stomach ache like last time."
Lucas didn't understand the menu, so he was sitting at the booth, squirming in his seat.
You see Natsu grin at him. "Having fun, Lucas?"
Lucas makes a face. "This isn't fun. Fun is when we went to the park and played!" He made a thoughtful expression. "Oh, it's also when I got to play with Kaito and Mana."
Natsu lowered his menu to look at Lucas. "Are they nice?" He cautiously asked. "Are they kids?"
You felt a smile tug your lips, so you raised the menu- hiding your smile behind it. "Who's Mana?" You asked Lucas.
He tugged down the menu. "She's my other friend." He explained. "Hey no fair! I asked first." Natsu complained.
Lucas turned to Natsu and giggled. "Silly daddy. You said to me that ladies always go first."
You raised your eyebrow at Natsu, who playfully avoided your eye contact. "They're really nice! And they're kids." Lucas exclaimed, waving his arms.
You run your fingers through his hair absentmindedly as you read the menu over and over again.
'His hair is so soft...'
"Natsu you want the belgian waffles?" You asked, tapping his hand.
He looked up. "You know I'd eat anything." He said, grinning.
"Right. I forgot the whole husband-will-eat-anything part."
You returned your eyes to the menu before waving down a waitress. "Hello. What can I get for you guys today?" She asked, beaming.
"Hello- I'd like the..."
You tuned yourself out as Natsu ordered, playing with Lucas. He was getting restless.
"Mama..." He said softly, leaning against you. "When can we go out and play together again?"
"Sorry, Lucas." You cuddle him in your arms. "I know we've been busy the past week."
He smiled sincerely. "It's okay! Lucas is really happy mama and papa could come out and eat with Lucas." He shyly finished.
Natsu leaned across the table, his hand covering yours. "Hey...Papa also promised you something else." His eyes sparkled.
You look up in curiosity. "Oh yeah!" Lucas said, his eyes wide. Then, he looked at you.
"Shh!" He held up his finger to his mouth- shushing Natsu.
Your husband grinned and gave Lucas a thumbs-up.
'Oh dear.'
'What are my two trouble-makers up to now?'

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.