The next few days, you had to closely monitor Lucas at school. This included dropping him off by yourself, and staying for a bit- or at least until he insisted he was fine.
Bringing Natsu would only be like bringing trouble.
He knew already, and had been raging at home.
"Mama." Lucas looked at you, sighing. "I'm fine. Seriously!"
His brown hair was blowing in the breeze, as his golden eyes stared up at you.
"I'm okay!" He said, holding your hand.
"Oh!" Your eyes widened when you spot the kid's mother dropping him off.
"Mama, don't!" Lucas dug his feet in the ground, unwilling to go in the same direction you were heading.
"Excuse me."
You tapped the woman's shoulders, and she turned around.
The pin in your hair gleamed as you tossed your ponytail over your shoulder.
"Your son has-"
Before you could even finish, the lady blubbered, "I'm sorry! Really! He's a good boy, honest! It's been happening a lot, and-"
"A good boy? He's been bullying my kid."
"He's a good boy at home!"
"Please do your duties as a mom and watch him, then!" You scolded her lightly.
"I'm sorry..."
As you left, Lucas had buried his face in his palms.
"Mama, you're embarrassing me." He muttered.
"That's my job," you grinned, about to leave.
"Ah- bye, mama!" Lucas's hands uncovered his face and he leaped up- giving you a big sloppy kiss.
Rin was refusing to eat her food again, and her big brother- who she only accepted food from, sometimes- was gone.
She angrily used her arm to block the incoming spoon.
"Oh, no. Not now. Eat your food..." You raised an eyebrow. "Eat. Your. Food." The spoon hit her tightly shut lips.
She flung her arm over, hitting the spoon. With a clatter, it fell to the ground.
"C'mon..." You groaned. "Why won't you eat?" You demanded, frustrated and impatient.
But of course, she didn't respond.
Grabbing a cloth, you cleaned up her mess.
The sound of rapid and impatient knocks came.
"(Y/N), open up!"
Hurrying to the door, you opened it, and let him in.
He waved. "Yo."
Rin burbled something incoherent.
" the way- nice living room." He nodded, and took a seat at the kitchen table.
"Why are you here?" You asked.
"I brought brunch, since I didn't eat yet."
"You brought brunch...and brought it to my apartment so you could eat it?" You asked, ridiculously.
"Yeah." He answered, as if saying, 'duh'
You watched him unwrap his food. "You're eating this?" You stared down at the squashed and inedible-looking food item.

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.