'Oh god, oh god...'
With your heart pounding, and your fingertips hovering over your mouth, you rushed away from Gray.
It wasn't even like you to run away from Gray. But after what he did...
You had just completely panicked and fled the scene. Heart pounding, and hands shaking, you tried to readjust your hair.
'What will I do?'
'Where should I go?'
You couldn't help but feel so very confused.
It was all too much to process. Finally- finally, Lucy had gotten her revenge and had kicked you out.
She knew just how to get everyone convinced.
The realization hit you hard. Gentle streams of tears streaked down your warm cheeks.
Everything was gone.
Your family- your home- your guild. Your best friend, your other half, and a girl you had tried to save.
Even though there was darkness...light also existed. Peacefulness. Happy. Enjoyable.
Home. Where Lucas and Rin were waiting for you alongside with...
'What's he going to think about this...?' You thought, while rubbing your eyes.
You didn't have to think about it further, because you heard a loud voice booming from the side.
"Maaaaan! I'm never eating that much again!"
"Aye sir!"
Your eyes widened and your head lifted up in surprise.
"Hey, Natsu...are you sure it was okay to leave your kids with Plume?"
"It's fine, it's fine! I just wanna kick back and relax with (Y/N)!"
"Aye! Where is (Y/N), anyway?"
"Good question!"
You heard his loud laugh. "I don't know."
Their voices became softer and softer as they walked further and further away.
Finally, they were out of earshot. You slid down against the wall you had been leaning against for support.
With your head in your arms, you began to quietly sob.
You should have known word would have gotten out quickly. You flattened yourself against a wall, whilst listening onto a pair's conversation.
"Hey- you hear about Fairy Tail?"
"The guild? Everyone's heard of 'em."
Your chest almost puffed out with pride.
"Well didja hear about (Y/N)?"
"She got kicked, man! Straight out of the guild! I heard she was sleeping with guys."
"No way! They kicked a girl out for that!"
"She's married!"
You cringed, and shook your head. Word might have spread out quickly, but it was rarely accurate.
"You look mighty down, miss."
Turning, you could make out the silhouette of a man standing in the shadows.
"You seem to have trouble in your heart, miss."
You wiped away your tears in a hurry. "I'm perfectly alright."
A crooked smile appeared on his lips. "Could I interest my lady in some fortune-telling?"
A warm tear dripped down your face.
"I don't have any fortune left," you sighed and made a gesture. "But go ahead."
He made a motion- signaling you to go closer. Hesitantly, you did.
Strangely enough, he took one closer look and laughed. "Ah, miss...you've had a rough childhood."
Alarmed and refusing to believe in his 'mystical acts,' you played it cool.
It was almost like he was looking at a horrible storm. His eyes widened, and he staggered back.
"I-I'm sorry." He apologized, still looking nervous.
"What is it?"
"Oh miss," he sighed unhappily. "You've still got a long ways to go."
Confused, you shook your head. "What does that mean?"
He didn't answer your question. "The person you truly wish for is closer than you think."
Right after he had muttered those words, you heard footsteps.
"(Y/N), where are you?!"
Recognizing Natsu's voice, you shook your head.
"He's waiting for you," supplied the mysterious man with a hidden smile. With an encouraging shove, you found yourself stepping towards his voice.
"(Y/N), please!"
A sad smile slipped on your face. "Natsu." You spoke, enjoying how his name left your lips.
He turned around, a happy expression on his face.
His warm body covered yours as he tugged you into a heated embrace. Automatically, your arms wrapped around his neck.
You breathed in his familiar scent, and let yourself completely relax against him.
"Natsu," you looked up at him and grinned.
He had an annoyed expression. "Don't disappear!" He flicked your forehead. Immediately letting go, you separated from him with a hiss.
With red cheeks, you turned away from him. "Idiot-!"
He smiled. "Lucy told me you had left some time ago."
Your happiness almost immediately faded and you resumed a quiet demeanor.
He studied you. "There's something different. Did you change your hairstyle?"
You tilted your face, so he could see you evenly.
In a split second, his hands firmly latched onto your arms like steel shackles.
"Where is your guild mark."
His voice sounded deep, serious, and deadly.
"Natsu, I-"
"Where is it?" He repeated, a bit more forcefully.
When you fell into silence, a raging mad aura surrounded Natsu. "(Y/N)."
You flinched a bit when he called your name. Strangely, a gentle hand held tight to yours.
"Who did this to you?"
Your throat went dry, and your legs felt weak. Even so, you had to tell him the truth.
The worst had already come.

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.