Weeks Later
"Lucas demands his brother now."
You looked up. "Sorry, kiddo. And it might be a sister." Lucas sulked, his round cheeks bright. "No, no! I want my sister now!" He demanded.
You bit your lip. "Sorry." You ruffled his hair. "Not happenin'." Lucas looked to the ground, before slowly walking away.
Natsu just happened to walk in through the door at the moment. He took one look at Lucas's teary face, and turned to you with a suspicious face.
"What'd you do?" He muttered, placing a kiss on your forehead. You gave him an awkward smile. "I denied his request for the child to be born now."
Natsu's eyes widened slightly for a second, and he pointed a finger in the child's direction. "He asked for the child to be born now?" He asked.
You could hear Lucas's soft sniffles.
"Yeah." You nodded, watching as Yuki looked up at Lucas in confusion. She tilted her head, almost looking worried.
"Wow, he's just like me! Haha!" Natsu burst into laughter.
"That's not funny!"
"I want it to wear green." Lucas said happily, touching the baby clothing as you walked through the store with him and Natsu.
'The child's been downgraded to an 'it' now?'
"Why green?" You asked him, curiously. He beamed up at you, his dimples already forming. "Because if my favorite thing is the baby...then I want it to wear my favorite color, too?" He asked, his answer formed like a question.
Natsu suddenly looked as if he had a giant light bulb light up above his head. "(Y/N), (Y/N)!" He said, excitedly, pumping his fists up and down like a child.
"What?" You turned to look at him.
"Are you salt?"
"Because you're sodium cute!" He exclaimed, laughing. You turned away from him, but not before giving him a sly smile.
"Do you even know what sodium is?"
He gave you a foolish grin. "Nope!"
"Mama, mama!" Lucas tugged on your shirt, as hard as he could. "Yeah?" You crouched down to his level.
"Will you and papa still love me after the baby comes?" He asked, worriedly. You were about to agree profusely, when Natsu plucked Lucas from the ground, and flung him into the air.
Lucas's surprised face was priceless. "Of course!" Natsu said, his eyes wide as he looked into Lucas's eyes, grinning.
"No matter who comes along...we'll keep loving you."
"F-forever?" Lucas asks, still seeming a bit worried.
"That's right!" Natsu agreed. "Forever."
Lucas erupted into a big smile as he was hoisted onto Natsu's shoulders. "Mama, there's nothing here that's good enough!" He said, innocently.
You ducked your head as you received glares from nearby workers. "Yes, now would be a perfect time to leave." You muttered.
Yuki's tail wagged furiously as soon as she saw her owners appear from inside the shop. She whined as you accepted the leash from Plume.
"Where are you guys going?" You asked, as she spun around. "I was supposed to meet up with Carla, but..." She glances around for a clock.

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.