*forgot recap*
After a few sleepless nights, your eyelids felt insanely heavy. Next to you, Natsu noisily sang to himself as he ate his apple.
Just closing your eyes for a few seconds would mean that the nightmares would come back. You couldn't trust yourself.
"Maybe just a bit." You didn't even realize that you had said it out loud, until Natsu looked at you curiously. "(Y/N)?"
"Sorry, I'm just a bit..." You pressed your fingertips to your forehead. It seemed like forever ago, when you had gotten into that fight with Lucy.
Although, you still wanted to get back to that, there were still things that you needed to finish. The issue with Rin wasn't solved yet, and you weren't satisfied.
But Natsu had tried to get back on your side for so long. Whether he came home with a bunch of flowers, or when he helped with Rin- he was persistent.
"Ah. You haven't slept for a few days, right?"
'You just noticed!?'
Your eyebrow twitched as you resisted the urge to shake some sense into the man. You felt a force grabbing your head, and your view was blackened.
"Natsu?" Your voice came out muffled. "Wait, what are you doing?! I'm still mad, you know-!" You yanked your head up.
Despite your angry burst, you could feel your cheeks turning bright red. Natsu looked down, a strange sense of loneliness clouded his darkened expression.
'Ah...jeez, (Y/N). What are you going to do now?'
You noticed a book nearby on the table. "O-oh, um...I-I think I'll go read, now." You said, your voice shaking as you reached for the book.
Natsu lifted his head, his eyes wide. "Wait-"
You picked up the blue book. "Manly Gestures That Women Love...?" You flipped the book to where it was folded.
'Never hesitate to hug your partner,' you read, silently. 'Natsu knows how to read?'
"Goodness..." You sighed, and put the book back down.
"I guess I can look over this one time," you laid down on the couch, your head in his lap. "Don't let it go to your head," you stared up at him. "I'm still mad."
He tilted his head, and gave you a smile. "Okay."
You let your gaze fall to the side as you shifted. Closing your eyes, you prayed for a peaceful nap. The darkness covered your vision, and you could only hear Natsu trying to munch on his apple silently.
"Wake up."
"...wake up, c'mon, (Y/N)..."
"You're so pretty when you sleep."
You jolted when you felt warm lips brush against yours. Keeping your eyes closed, you listened to Natsu continue.
"I wish we could just run away and live at Fairy Tail forever...I wish that Lucas was never sick. I wish that-"
His voice broke. "I wish that what happened with Lucy- never did."
You opened your eyes, pretending to just be awake. "Natsu..." You blinked, finding him inches away from your face.
"Oh, hi. Did you just wake up?"
"How did you sleep?"

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.