Weeks Later
"Hello? We're home!" You called into the apartment, Natsu behind you. His suitcase was leaning against himself.
"Mama!" An excited Lucas ran into your arms, as you crouched down, almost knocking you down.
Natsu shuffled inside, as you hugged Lucas. "Papa!" He wiggled out of your arms, causing you to pout at Natsu.
Natsu stuck his tongue out at you as he scooped up Lucas and flew him through the air. The child giggled with happiness as Natsu kissed his forehead before setting him down.
"Were you good to Plume and Happy?" You ask, getting up. Lucas grinned. "Lucas was a good boy. But they got tired, and Juvia-nee came to help."
You exchanged a look with Natsu.
"And where is Juvia-nee?" You ask Lucas, who was dancing around, his hands clasped behind his back.
He giggled again, and led you two to the back of the living room, where Juvia lay sleeping on the couch peacefully.
There, lay a flower crown on her head, woven clumsily by someone. "Whoa, whoa. My manly Lucas knows how to make flower crowns?" Natsu spluttered.
You laughed. "Honey, who did that?" You already knew there was no way Lucas could even have the patience for crafts.
"Mana!" He said, presenting a small flower to you from his pocket. "She picked that for me." He said, shyly. His pink cheeks were suspicious to you.
"Oh yeah?" You raised your eyebrow.
"She's pretty." He suddenly announced, causing Natsu to whip his head up as he was beginning to unpack.
"You're too young for this!" He cried, scooping up his child again. "No, no, no. You will never-!"
"Natsu." You laughed gently. "Juvia's still sleeping."
"Oh. Right." Natsu lowered his voice, and walked into the kitchen, still whisper-shouting at Lucas.
You shake your head and sigh.
Juvia had left with Natsu just moments ago. Happy and Plume were still napping peacefully on the bed.
'...Everyone just comes and goes, huh?'
"Ne, ne, Mama." Lucas said softly. "Yeah?" You ask, not lifting your eyes. "Papa said-Papa said..." He scrunched up his face.
"What'd Papa say?"
"Papa said people give things to people they like." Lucas said, his tiny hands playing with your hair.
"Then...does Mana like Juvia?" He asked.
You set down your book. "Hm..." You touched your cheek with your finger. "I'm sure she does."
Lucas sprawled onto the floor. "Does that mean she doesn't like me?"
You grin at his behavior. "Do you want her to like you?"
Lucas looked up at you, his golden eyes reflecting yourself.
"Lucas would a-a...appretiate it." He struggled with the word.
"Do you mean appreciate?" You ask, an amused look on your face. Lucas covered his bright red face with his hands.
"Yeah..." He muttered.
Then, the door opened. "I'm back!" Natsu said. "C'mon, Lucas. Time to show Mama your surprise."
"C'mon, Mama, c'mon!" Lucas's hand tugged you forwards. You- stumbled after him, your eyes closed and Natsu walking alongside you.
"Slow down, Lucas." Natsu warned. Your hand was on his arm, after he supported you as you stumbled.
"I'm fine." You reassured your husband. He sighed. "Just shut up and let me help." He pecked your lips quickly.
You kept walking for quite a bit, until you heard some laughing from a group of younger children to your left.
You tilt your head in question.
"Okay...and Lucas orders you to open!" Lucas giggled in excitement. Sunlight flooded your vision, nearly blinding you.
"Gah..." You cover your eyes, and peek through them. Natsu gently removes your hands from your face.
"This is..." Your eyes widen.
"Where we went on a date once." Natsu finishes with a cheeky smile. "I know. I'm so romantic, you're wel-"
"C'mon, Papa! Hurry!" Lucas waves his arms at Natsu. You grin at him, while he scowls at the two of you. "Hey- come back! I wasn't done talking!"
Lucas takes your hand and giggles. "Hey! Now I have to worry about my kid also stealing my wife?!" Natsu yelled, running after you two.
You laugh as Lucas tugged you to the rides. He was still too young to ride most of them.
"Wanna play Catching Koi?" You asked him, walking through the booths with him.
You held his hand, and his other hand was held by Natsu.
"That game is too hard." Natsu said, glancing at the colorful booths that were set up.
"How about..." You point at the booth with large stuffed animals on display. Lucas pouted. "Mama, I'm not a baby!"
Absentmindedly, you pat his head. "Right."
Suddenly, Lucas gave an excited gasp. "Papa, Mama, what's that?!" He pointed upward, and your eyes followed his point.
'Ah. The Ferris wheel. Natsu and I's first date.'
Natsu grinned. "That's a round spinning wheel." You mentally slapped him. "Lucas isn't going to have a wide vocabulary if you keep doing that."
"It's called a Ferris wheel." You explained to Lucas. "Would you want to go on it?" You ask him.
His eyes were glued onto the bright Ferris wheel shining against the painted setting sunset as he lead you and Natsu towards the ride.
"Careful." You warned him when he stepped on. "Don't move around too much, or else you'll go splat on the ground." Natsu added.
Lucas stared at Natsu with a frightened look. "W-what?"
You elbowed him, but he only grinned. "Just kidding. We won't let you fall." He flexed his arms, showing off his muscles.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "It's so pretty..." Lucas trailed on, his hands plastered on the window as he gazed outside.
You could see his golden eyes reflecting in the window. Natsu's hand found yours, and his thumb began to trace circles on your palm.
"Do you like it?" Natsu asked Lucas.
Your child turned around, his face bright. "Lucas likes it a lot! Lucas loves it!" He hopped off from your seat, and stood on his tippy toes and slung his arms around you and Natsu.
"Lucas loves you!" He said, happily.

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.