Gently and carefully, you moved Lucas's arms so he was positioned against you. He took a deep breath, and nervously swayed.
"Now...repeat after me." You smiled.
"Purpura ignis."
The second the words left your lips, purple flames exploded onto the palm of your hand. "P-purpura...ignis." Lucas stuttered a bit, his confidence wavering.
In his outstretched palm, a tiny little spark flickered, before disappearing. Lucas slumped. "I'm never going to get it," he sighed.
You crouched down in-front of him, your fire extinguished. "Just because you failed a few times doesn't mean you're never going to get it right."
Lucas whimpered, but regained his posture. "I'll get it soon, right?" He looked up at you, his long brown hair shining in the bright sun.
A smile graced your lips. "Of course! It might sound silly, but you really just need to believe you can do it."
He held out his hand. "Purpura ignis!"
You watched with delighted eyes as a purple flame surrounded Lucas. "Mama, they're going to burn me!" Lucas screeched.
Laughing, you shook your head. "No, they're not going to burn you. Try touching it." You gestured towards the tiny aura of purple fire.
Lucas shook his head wildly. "No!"
"I'll show you." You chanted the words, and the purple blaze exploded once again, on your arm. You touched the flickering flames.
"See? It doesn't hurt." With a shake of your arm, the fire easily extinguished. "Just don't touch other people's fire..." You shivered. "It hurts."
You remembered the time when you touched your father's flames while he was training you.
Lucas hugged himself in his little vortex of embers. He reached out, and touched the dark flames.
"Now, think of the fire disappearing," you encouraged.
It was obvious he was thinking hard, so the cocoon enveloping him would soon disappear. After a few seconds, they slowly died down.
"You did it!" Your eyes widened, and you hugged him out of joy. "I did it!" He gasped, shocked. A moment later, he wrapped his arms around you- hugging you back.
"Lucas?" A girl's voice called out to him from one of the balconies. You had to shield your eyes, and squint.
'Was it...Mana?'
She waved. "Hello Mrs. Dragneel!" Sweetly, she greeted you with a smile. You raised your hand in greeting.
"I'm going to go show my friends!" Lucas announced, running up the stairs. "Thank you, mama!"
"Just don't play inside!" You called out, before heading up the stairs, yourself.
Lucas gave you an 'okay' before running off. Smiling to yourself, you unlocked the apartment door, and slipped inside to the cool room.
"Natsu?" You called out. He had been playing with Rin and Yuki before you had left. You slipped off your shoes, and was swept off your feet by a mysterious force.
A hand covered your mouth. "Shhh, I finally got her to sleep." He pointed at the Rin, who was happily slumbering in her crib, moved into the living room.
You quieted down as your feet touched solid ground once again. "What a nice 'welcome home.'" You were about to play with Yuki, when Natsu grabbed your arm.

Can't Help It ; Natsu
Fanfiction[complete] Life was a continuous, repetitive cycle. Things pass, perhaps stopping even a second to wave. Everything had a pattern. Until you meet an interesting pink-haired boy, who drags you into his world.