20. Her sickening touch

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About two days passed from the night that Jisung stayed over at Jaemin's house. And to be honest, Jisung was not feeling very well. Jisung is now in his own house like always. Going to school at days and studying until nights. As he barely has a text chat with Jaemin.

How could Jisung discribe this bad feeling?

Before actually meeting Jaemin at his house, Jisung was super eager and excited to meet his friend as hanging out with Jaemin at bare times makes Jisung to miss the older time to time.

But now that they actually spent one day and a half together, Jisung could say that he is overly fulfilled.

Even after that night, Jisung was not treating Jaemin so friend likely at morning. There was such an awkward tension wandering between the two. And so Jisung was so tired, uneager and grumpy. At first, the one reason that Jisung could explain for the situation was the fact that he is not usually comfortable to stay at people's places. But this whole story is about two days ago. Yet this tiredness is still remaining in Jisung's mind and body.

Jisung was actually blaming himself for having this kind of feeling and behaviour, he was the one who wanted to stay the night with Jaemin. He knew it. So why was there such sickness and hesitate bothering his mind all the time?

Besides the regret. Jisung was blaming himself for being so sullen and uneager while talking to Jaemin meanwhile the older keeps his cheerful and friendly tune all the time.

Jisung felt too tried.

Is this even an explanation to feel exhausted after socialising with your dear one? Jisung was confused.

Even today in the morning as Jisung was getting ready for school. He could tell that his appetite problems are accomplishing no success as Jisung did not eat anything for breakfast. Jisung chose to be scolded by his concerned mother rather than eating anything. Just by seeing the sight of the food, Jisung could actually vomit.

Just like always, his body felt numb and exhausted. He was sleepy and grumpy.

To be fair, according to Donghyuck it's been a while since Jisung was back to this bad mood. And so Jisung could tell that after making up with Jaemin things were getting better about his health. But still, after getting used to sleep for more than two hours for a little while...last night, Jisung's sleep was interrupted again. Over two reasons.

First one was not unusual but fairly annoying. Last night Jisung actually fought with Chenle over text messages.

To be fair, the two do fight a lot. But the one topic that Chenle was arguing about last night was not so usual and something that Jisung can get over easily.

As the little boy was standing in his bedroom to collect his backpack before going outside of the house, Jisung took his phone to look at his last night's chats with Chenle one more time.

Little boy turned his phone on and stared at the screen. Looking at the text messages.

Chenle - Where have you been the other day? I called you three times

Jisung - At Jaemin hyung's house

Chenle - Okay, what about the night before it?

Jisung - Again was at Jaemin hyung's house

Chenle - You stayed the night?!

Jisung - Yeah

Chenle - Are you dumb?

Jisung - Why?

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