19. The secret we share

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"Your house is supposed to be the special place?!"

Jisung asked. From the person who he was talking to behind his phone while walking in the streets. And that one person was no one but Na Jaemin. The one person who promised Jisung to take him to a so far known as "special" place on this Saturday.

Jisung heard Jaemin laughing awkwardly.

"Uh...you know, I was actually planning for us to hang around our old middle school. But I just found out that the building is not a school anymore. So, yeah..."

Jisung sighed. "You didn't know?"

"Wait! Did you know?"

"Yeah, It's been like one year since the school closed"

Jaemin groaned. "How am I supposed to know? I've been abroad for a whole year since then"

As Jisung was hardly finding his way to Jaemin's house with such hesitant and reluctance, little boy shivered by the blowing wind which was harshly clutching on his bones with spreading snowflakes. Not only snowy, but such a cold windy day it was. Jisung was wondering, when is this snow going to stop? February was ending already. Will they even have a spring with blossoms this year?

"Whatever hyung. Can't we just go somewhere else?" Jisung asked.

"What's the deal with my place? You know I'm not living alone, I still live with my parents"

Jaemin giggled and continued.

"Don't be anxious, you won't be alone with me"

By what Jaemin said with such joking tune...Jisung's mind was suddenly unable to actually deal with those words as a joke. As his already blushed face became redder through the white snow and suddenly his body was warming up from anger against the blowing wind.

Jisung frowned. "What the hell are you saying hyung?! I just said we can go to other places because it might be awkward for me to come visit your parents after years with no proper reason to explain to them for our sudden separate"

Jaemin laughed. "Aw, you unsociable little kid. Actually my mom is the one who is inviting you here"

Jisung's eyes widened. "What?!"

Before Jisung could have any other words to say, he could actually hear one other feminine voice interrupting behind the phone.

"Give me that phone I will convince him myself"

That feminine voice with its strict serious tune...Jisung knew that voice.

"Hello? Jisung-ah?"

Jisung flinched by hearing that voice which was calling for his name. Little boy stopped walking in the middle of the sidewalk.

Jaemin hyung's mother...

"Ah...Mrs. Na! G-Good afternoon!" Said Jisung with such nervous tune.

"You're coming for the dinner, right?" Mrs. Na asked.

"Ah but-"

"No excuse, I am already cooking the dinner. Hurry up and come here. We will be waiting. See you Jisung-ah" 

And so Jisung tried to call for her but Mrs. Na was no longer on the phone as little boy could hear Jaemin's giggling voice.

"Heard her? You better hurry up before she gets mad at us. See you Jisungie!"

And the call ended.

Jisung sighed, looking at his phone screen as he was walking again.

"Same as always, she is super intimidating..." Jisung mumbled.

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